What is My Life Purpose, Anyway?

“There are three parts to our Life Purpose – Our just “being”, the things we came to learn for ourselves (our life lessons) and the things we came to do for others.”
Rainbow with Forest, Mountain and Lake

What is my life purpose?  This is an alternate approach to finding that answer. (It is quite quite detailed and a bit long.  You will find the answer!)

Believe it or not, that is a question that you actually know the answer to!  You just may not be completely aware that you know it quite yet.  I know, you just want to keep yourself in suspense.  It’s more fun that way.

Hello, my name is David Scheschy (pronounced shay-shay) and I live in northwest Montana with my wife and life friend, Debra.  Although my intuitive abilities have been a central tool in my spiritual life, it is true that many people may feel they do not have any “psychic” skills.  Others are just beginning on their heightened spiritual journey or haven’t quite developed their abilities to the point where they can find out the answer to the big question, “What is my life purpose, anyway?”

Normally, Debra’s and my focus is helping others to develop their connection with the Divine and their guides.  Since the events of our outer worldly life are merely reflections of our inner nature, it came to us to offer this alternate approach for someone to discover many of the elements of their life purpose, which includes what we do for others as well as our life lessons.  It is introspective in nature.  An abbreviated outline of these steps will be provided at the end of this posting.

Our Life Purpose

Many wonder, “Does my life even have a purpose?”  The answer is a resounding, joyful, exuberant — yes!  We will share a method that requires little, if any, abilities beyond what you have right now to discover your life purpose.  Even if you happen to be gifted, this approach can be insightful.

There are three parts to our Life Purpose – Our just “being”, the things we came to learn for ourselves (our life lessons) and the things we came to do for others.”

Now, our life mission usually includes more than one thing, although there is typically one overarching theme, or purpose, that we came to do, to be, or to learn — usually all three.  We also have other related, sometimes unrelated, life goals.

So, let’s find out why you are here!  Before we begin, you need to know a couple of things that have evolved in our life over the years through talking to numerous people and their guides, i.e., angels, Devas (Hindu), whatever one calls them.  We’ll just refer to them as guides.

We Are Right Where We are Supposed To Be

Your presence here on earth — your family, where you live, when you live (this time period), how you are (your life situation), didn’t happen by accident.  For some, this is a really challenging thing to accept because of the dysfunctional, sometimes harsh nature of their current or previous situation.  The good news is that we are not supposed to stay in unfortunate circumstances long term.  It’s supposed to be like a motel visit, a temporary arrangement until we are able to move along.  And, there is a path for each of us to move forward, we may have to look for it, however.

All Paths Lead to Our Destination

The life journey is a matter of function, not the route.  A “wrong” decision today is an opportunity that awaits us for a later time when we are more ready.  To use a metaphor, there are 500 ways to get to Phoenix.  The way we get there isn’t important, although some roads are easier than others.  What is important is for us first to recognize, then take advantage of opportunities as they arise.  We can do this best when focusing from our heart center.  It shines the light of possibility that allows us to see the path set before us to our desired outcome; whereas the mind and lesser self can get caught up in old patterns.

Three Parts to Our Life Purpose

There are three parts to our life purpose, one of them is silent while the other two are active.  The silent part of our life purpose has to do with just “being”.  The active parts are the things we came to learn for ourselves (our life lessons) and the things we came to do for others, which makes use of our gifts.  The process is the same for both.  Before we discuss these active parts, let’s talk about the silent one.

Part I:  Silently “Being”

We will speak briefly about the silent aspect of our life purpose:  “Being”.  Unrecognized by many on the spiritual path, this quiescent part of our life purpose is powerful.  It is service to the Divine (and others) through our just “being.”  Each of us has a unique connection to the Divine and we bring forth special energies through our being that flows out, anchoring to every place we go.  Only a few know they are even doing this.  These energies we carry from the Divine are more powerful than we can imagine!  They can raise the frequency of everything and everyone we come into contact with.  These energies we carry can transform others’ lives by a “chance” meeting when passing them by on the street, while shopping, working, anything at all.  Many people on the earth right now came from high etheric realms and dimensions, some directly from Source, to help the earth and all who live on it during this golden spiritual age we live in right now.  They change the world and all who are in it by just “being.”  Although virtually everyone has life lessons, there are a few of us who only have the “being” part as their “service to others” portion of their life purpose.  The rest of us also have the “doing” part to our life purpose in service to others as well, which we will discuss shortly.  First, let’s talk about the life lessons part of our life purpose.

Part II:  Life Lessons

Sometimes, life lesson events may not seem like avenues to fulfill our life purpose, especially if the opportunities for growth include undesirable happenings.  However, these collections of related recurring events were drawn into our lives for good reasons.  They help us release old patterns and beliefs that, in turn, foster our growth.  Learning and embracing our life lessons also supports our life purpose in service to others.  As Richard Bach wrote in his book Illusions, “…we seek problems because we need their gifts.”

Part III:  Service to others

To find those things we came to do for others, we can look at those events and situations that brought opportunities, both big and small, to help others, improve situations and generally make things better for a variety of people, places, things and situations (the world).  We refer to that as our life purpose (for others).  These events are all indicators of what we came to do, our life purpose in giving to something greater, or other than ourselves.  For some, that could be environmental causes, for others it could be helping families and children, still for many it may be to work in the sciences to help humankind or a particular society, for others it could be to be a teacher, counselor, or coach in some important discipline.  The nature and type of things are practically endless.  Even our vocation can be our life mission or purpose, it just depends.  As with life lessons, there is often one overarching theme, with smaller parts to that life purpose that support the main theme.

Two Sides of the Same Coin

Life lessons and life purpose (for others) are two sides of the same coin.  They are very often complementary of one another.  For that reason, when we go through this process, it can sometimes become challenging to separate the two.  However, there are differences.

The Gold Mine

These events and the opportunities that show up throughout our lives are the nuggets of gold that can tell us about our life purpose (for others) and help us identify our life lessons.

Multiple Levels

Whether life purpose (for others) or life lessons, there is often more than one facet to them.  For example, there could be a spiritual, sociological and other practical aspects of our life purpose as well as our life lessons.


The Steps…

Okay, we are now ready to do the step-by-step approach to looking at all of these events!  They are quite simple, although they can be detailed in nature.

Take out a sheet of paper or you can use a word processor, if you like.

First, Look at Life Lessons

Life lessons events tend to be those that have personal challenges associated with them.  They can be a product of our creation by the choices we made or did not make, as well as those that came about through what appears to be chance or happenstance.  They make us face situations, where if we had possessed the insights or knowledge about the nature of the problem or event beforehand, we could have either avoided it completely or navigated through the circumstance or event with little or no problems.  But, because we did not possess the foresight or foreknowledge, these circumstances or events happened the way that they did.

Life Lessons Repetition – “It’s the Same Thing, Only Different”

Keep in mind, if we didn’t learn the main theme of a situation, these circumstances and events will tend to repeat over and over, with different people, different places, different circumstances, different “other” particulars, but always with the same essence.  We refer to this as “It is the same thing, only different.”

List the Life Lesson Events

Without thinking, start writing down (or typing) events and circumstances of your life that caused you personal challenges where you were not prepared for it before the event.  Use short bullet sentences that briefly identify the happening.  The events/circumstances can be both big and small.  Just write them down as fast as they come to your mind.  Don’t stop and analyze, let them flow through your pen, pencil, or keyboard.

Group the Events

Once you have made the list, group them into like events.  Group them by both like occurrences and like “emotional feelings” evoked when the event or circumstance occurred.  If you felt vulnerable, angry, jealous, hopeless, and so on, in certain like-events, those emotions can be indicators of a common lesson.  They are inner emotional pointers that reflect our vulnerabilities, our lack of experience, insufficient knowledge, failure to exercise due diligence, or inability to use foresight in a particular situation, and so forth.  They indicate areas where we need additional learning.

As we review these events, it is not to be a thing of judgment about ourselves, merely observations of what was lacking in a situation.  Debra and I believe that at our core, we are all divine beings who are in the process of growing.  Self condemnation serves no useful purpose in this process.  It’s all about observing and learning.

With that said, this can be an intense emotional process, one that requires us to acknowledge things about ourselves that we may not wish to see.  Complete openness with and about ourselves is required for this process to work properly.

Summarize the Groupings

After you have done the above, you will find there are recurring themes in these situations.  Sometimes, we were either ready for an event or it was intense enough for us to learn our lesson the first time.  In other areas, this won’t be the case.

Let’s use a modest example to illustrate.  During this process, we found that on six occasions, we did not prepare for a known upcoming event.  Let’s say that three of them dealt with taking tests and the other three with being familiar with some activity we were to do, like a job interview or doing a new task at work.

As we reflect upon how we felt, as well as look dispassionately at the shared real-world aspects of each, we will probably be able to glean one of our life lessons from these recurring events.

In this hypothetical case, perhaps it could be that one procrastinates.  When we look at why we procrastinate, we may find that we had (have) a fear of not being able to learn or believe that we lack sufficient skills or abilities to master the material, handle the situation, or that we were just not good enough.  Fear, pent up anger and resentment, and self-worth issues are often at the basis of what appear to be “other” issues or problems in a situation.

In reality, these emotions and beliefs are most often irrational and have no basis in who we really are, or our true abilities.  But if we act upon them they become real, even though they are not.

These limiting beliefs, behaviors and emotions can come from our early childhood environment and past lives.  Since we carry these things into the present, using this process can help us find the core of what we came to learn.

The aforementioned was just an example.  There could be other fundamental emotional, false or limiting belief issues involved as to why a certain type of event or circumstance occurs over and over.  Keep going through this process, looking at each new layer of cause for each grouping of events until you have exhausted the cause beneath each cause.  Remember, no self-judgment.

As you do this for every grouping of events, you may find these areas of learning come in layers.  As the example above showed, the behavioral and emotional aspects that caused these events to happen, although related, may likely have to be addressed individually.  Let’s use the previous example to illustrate two of the these layers.  In the procrastination scenario, we would need to do practical real-world activities such as making ourselves prepare and study for upcoming tasks and seek clearing and healing for the emotional and spiritual blocks as well as any limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs that may exist beneath the procrastination behaviors.

Now, Let’s Look at Life Purpose (for others)

Events and circumstances of our life purpose (for others) are situations that came into our lives to illuminate opportunities to engage in the activities and themes of our overall life mission.  They tend to be those that require us to do something to extend our thinking, personal obligations and activities beyond what is strictly for managing our own lives, our own affairs.  They give us opportunities to go beyond what we have always done, to move to another level of expression in our lives.  These events and circumstances may require us to volunteer our time, money, skills, or abilities to some effort that wasn’t distinctly for our own benefit.  They can also be events that provide us with the chance to “jump in” on some new vocation or activity.  They may have a risk of failure associated with it; in which case they may become part of both our life lessons growth as well as an area for us to engage in our life purpose.

When these events and circumstances appear in our lives, we make the choice whether we will engage with them or let them pass by.  Sometimes, it is for our highest good to let certain activities and patterns fall by the wayside, while other times the event or circumstance provides us with the chance to grow, and engage in an area of our life purpose.  It can be challenging to know when to let things pass and when to engage with them.  This may require us to use discernment and reflection to know what is part of our life purpose and what are old patterns and activities to be let go.

Life Lessons and Life Purpose Converge

When the risk of failure occurs in conjunction with a life purpose event or circumstance, this indicates a real opportunity and vulnerability for us, because it deals with an area within us where we have a life lesson to be learned as well as opportunities to engage in activities associated with our life purpose.  If we allow fear to intervene, we may miss a chance to learn a life lesson that would support us in achieving areas of our life purpose.

Life Purpose Repetition – Yep, “It’s the Same Thing, Only Different” Again

Keep in mind, if we didn’t seize the chance to engage when a life purpose event came into our lives, these circumstances and events will tend to repeat over and over.  Just as with life lesson events, new opportunities will come into our lives using different people, different places, different circumstances, different “other” particulars, but always with the same essence.  Again, it’s what we refer to as “It is the same thing, only different.”

More Chances to Make the “Right” Choice

Actually, this is a wonderful thing!  Opportunities are truly never lost, only bypassed for a time until we are at a point where we are able to recognize them and prepared to engage with them.  Keep in mind, the time for the next opportunity may be in our next lifetime.  Most often, that is not the case and we get another chance while we are here.

List the Life Purpose Events

As before, without thinking, start writing down (or typing) those events and circumstances where personal life purpose opportunities presented themselves, where you had the chance to extend yourself beyond your required obligations.  Include both events where you seized the opportunity and those where you let them pass by.

Use short bullet sentences that briefly identify the happening.  List the events and circumstances, both big and small.  Just write them down as fast as they come to your mind.  Don’t stop and analyze, let them flow through your pen, pencil, or keyboard.

Once you have made the list, group them into like events.  Group them by like occurrences and like “emotional feelings” they evoked when the event or circumstance occurred.  If you felt excitement, joy, gladness, etc., it was likely for life purpose events and circumstances where you said, yes.  You may have felt regret, vulnerable, or another emotion for those events that where you said no to a life purpose event opportunity.  As before, these emotions are inner indicators that reflect both our strengths and inner virtues as well as point to our having inner vulnerabilities that will need to be identified and addressed.

Again, this process is not about self-judgment or condemnation, merely observation of our own inner processes, then learning from them.

Summarize the Groupings

After you have done the above, you will find there are recurring themes in these situations, just as before.  Occasionally, a circumstance or event happened where you had an opportunity to pursue some aspect of your life purpose that was clear enough that you recognized and pursued it.  Other times, this won’t be the case.  Either way, your life purpose was identified through the happening of these events.

As before, as you review these life purpose opportunity events and circumstances that have occurred in your life, recurring themes will appear.  Write them down.  These are the areas of your life purpose (for others).

As an example, if we had the chance to volunteer for charity, civic-based events or at the annual Christmas party repeatedly throughout the years, this may be our inner guidance showing us that we are to share our time and expertise to help out those who are less fortunate or give back to the community.  As before, if we engage with the opportunity, then we can know that we are fulfilling an area of our life purpose.

For each area that we choose to engage or not, we are either affirming or denying activities and opportunities that reflect potentials in living and engaging in our life purpose.

Once we have exhausted this process, we will have a list of common themes of our life purpose that were made evident through reviewing circumstances and events of the past where we were given the opportunity to engage in activities of our life mission.

It’s Our Choice How Much We Do

In this lifetime, we can choose to do anything from a little to a lot.  Whether we learn our life lessons or not, whether we pursue those activities and events that are part of our inner life purpose, or not, is entirely up to us.

By going through this organic inner review process, we gain the insights of our life lessons and life purpose through the connection with our inner being, which is connected to the Divine.

Karma and Events of Happenstance

Lastly, events that seem to be happenstance or a freak occurrence, can sometimes be associated with areas of our life where it is not as easy to see a pattern.  This is true whether they are areas that deal with life lessons or life purpose opportunities.  Often unresolved areas of our life that have not come to the surface are the cause of why these mysterious events show up in our life.  Things we did earlier in this life or previous lives (that are buried) can cause the circle of Karma to come our way.  Ultimately, all things come to the surface.  When they do, this method works well.  If not, those life lessons and areas of our life purpose may remain hidden from us when using this approach.

That’s It!

We hope you found this alternate method useful, although it can take a bit of time.  It can be an effective method to assist us in finding out what our life lessons are as well as many areas of our life purpose.  All that it requires is for us to look at our lives openly and honestly, without reservation, preferably using our heart lens so we can see the possibilities that are always present in our lives.  It’s true, our heart light shines clearly upon what our mind and lesser self do not see.

This method was not designed to remedy the mental, emotional, or spiritual areas of our deficiencies or vulnerabilities.  However, once we know what they are, we can use either spiritual or traditional therapies, or both, to address the underlying issues, should we need to seek help outside ourselves.


Abbreviated Life Purpose Process:  Step-by-Step

Approach and Background:

  • We can find our life purpose by reviewing the events of our life, which are outer reflections of our inner being and energies and life purpose.  There are three areas of our life purpose:  Silent “beingness”, life lessons and life purpose in service to others, or more simply stated, for others.
  • Silent “beingness” requires no review as part of this process (that is for another time).
  • We look at (focus upon) outer events that reflect our life lessons and life purpose (for others).  They are the two active parts of our life purpose.
  • Refer back to the appropriate section of this article for “how to” guidance.

Part I:  Life Lessons

Step 1:  Take out a sheet of paper or use your computer to make a list.

Step 2:  Make a list of life lesson events

Keep in mind, life lessons repeat…  “It’s the Same Thing, Only Different.”

Step 3:  Group the events

Group events by both like occurrences and like “emotional feelings” evoked when the event or circumstance occurred.

Step 4:  Summarize the groupings

  • Summarize groupings in short bullet sentences to capture the essence of each grouping.
  • The above will give you a list of your life lessons.  It is up to us to dig down and find the elements within each.

Part II:  Life Purpose (for others)

Step 1:  Take out another sheet of paper or use your computer to make a list.

Step 2:  Make a list the life purpose events

Life purpose events also repeat… “It’s the Same Thing, Only Different”

Step 3: Group the events

Group the events by both like occurrences and like “emotional feelings” evoked when the event or circumstance occurred. 

Step 4: Summarize the groupings

  • Summarize the groupings in short bullet sentences to capture the essence of each grouping.
  • The above will give you a list of things/areas comprising your life purpose (for others).  It is up to each of us to dig down into them to find the elements that comprise each.

Final thoughts:

  • Our life lessons and life purpose (for others) often complement one another.  They are two sides of the same coin.  So, don’t be surprised if it becomes challenging sometimes to see the difference between the two.  The differences may be subtle, but they are different.
  • This process is deceptively simple, yet incredibly powerful.  To quote Richard Bach again, “The simplest things are the most profound.”  See what happens for you.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

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