Illuminated Mind Seminars

We offer a series of three meditation seminars that are powerful, inwardly transforming and spiritually connecting.  Our students routinely tell us how awestruck they are by the enormity of their experiences and how in the period of one weekend, they find themselves with a heightened sense of awareness, enhanced spiritual identity and individual spiritual connection that cannot be explained to others with words.  They often find that the energies of this three-day experience permeates their entire being, leaving them in this heightened state of being and awareness for days, sometimes weeks afterward. 

The life of each person is forever changed with this new and permanent link to the Divine that provides the direct connection to the spiritual beings and resources that allow each person to be directly guided in their spiritual walk through this intimate and special connection to the Divine. 

The Illuminated Mind Seminars present practical guidance on addressing life issues that arise, releasing old energies and patterns, helping you to focus upon your true identity, so you may achieve your spirituals goals to illuminate your life path — the path set for you before this life began.

The ability to listen and follow the guidance of your own higher intuition is the domain of masters.  You have that intuition.  You may need to hone your connection to develop your intuition, and then use it as much you can throughout each day, with small and big things alike.  As you do, you can achieve all that you set out to do in this life, and more.

Purple Water Lily

Intuitive Mastery Seminar

The Intuitive Mastery Seminar is the first of the three Illuminated Mind Seminars created by Spiritual Master and Teacher June d’Estelle, author of The Illuminated Mind, A Step-By-Step Guide to Spiritual Discovery.

This unique, accelerated workshop focuses on individual empowerment and transformation through the awakening of your own intuitive, creative mind and spirit.

You will…

  • Experience higher Levels of spiritual consciousness
  • Resolve problems and change negative habits
  • Tap into higher guidance
  • Enhance self-direction through conscious control of your life
  • Experience greater harmony in your relationships and improve your health
  • Meet your spiritual guides
  • Develop the art of intuitive assessment and spiritual healing
Yellow White Lotus

Illumination Seminar

The Illumination Seminar is the second of the three Illuminated Mind Seminars created by Spiritual Master and Teacher June d’Estelle, author of The Illuminated Mind, A Step-By-Step Guide to Spiritual Discovery.

The Illumination Seminar builds on what has occurred in the Intuitive Mastery which takes you to a higher state of enlightenment/illumination.  The Illumination Seminar enhances your intuitive abilities, as you learn more about yourself and your life lessons and purpose for this life.  You will establish energetic connections in the Angelic Realms, meeting your High Self, Alohem, and countless angelic beings.   

You will…

  • Experience higher levels of consciousness reaching the Theta state
  • Meet and commune with your High Self, also known as the God Self or Superconscious
  • Meet the Alohem, the creator gods spoken of in mystery schools
  • Learn the principal reason for being on earth at this time and your life’s purpose
  • Discover your natural talents; discern and dissolve the hidden beliefs inhibiting you
  • Visit the Celestial City (AKA Crystal City) located high in the heavens
  • Explore the Angelic realms and meet with the beautiful beings who watch over us
  • Use visual chakra colors in concert with meditation for cleansing and balancing
  • Discover and peel back layers of consciousness to find the underlying sources of the mental, emotional and spiritual forces/energies operating in your life
  • And much more…
Yellow Gold Lotus

Transformation Seminar

The Transformation Seminar is the third of the three Illuminated Mind Seminars created by Spiritual Master and Teacher June d’Estelle, author of The Illuminated Mind, A Step-By-Step Guide to Spiritual Discovery.

The Transformation Seminar is just that:  Personal and Spiritual Transformation!  This seminar takes you from the energetic connections made in the Illumination Seminar to the next higher state to experience enormously transformative energies and beings.  You will meet and commune with ascended masters, avatars, prophets as well as many advanced beings from distant spiritual realms who bring forth and manifest their personal growth and spiritual transformation.  Three Master Light beings will align and commission each of you for the furthering of your life mission and goals – bringing you to the next level of manifestation.

You will…

  • Explore how emotions and feelings affect your life
  • Visit the Sacred grove where you will find the Tree of Your Life, and discover what it means
  • Discover how the past and future affect one another and change future and past events
  • Meet the Luminous One who will clear and align your light bodies
  • Explore the Akashic records and review the Book of Your Life
  • Discover how your life has had a profound impact on family, friends and others
  • Heal emotional and physical energetic traumas to your body
  • Meet with Ascended Masters, Avatars, Prophets, and other advanced Beings
  • Experience God in the Silence and commune with the Beloved in the vast void of nothingness
  • Meet Three Light Beings who will align and commission you for the furthering of your mission and goals
  • And much more…


“No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, The Illuminated Mind Seminars will enhance your life with new tools, and awakenings.”  Pat Boer, Reiki Master, Rexford MT.

“My spiritual growth continues to blossom in many directions, stepping up and becoming the beautiful soul I have always been meant to be is easier and my closeness with my High Self and the Divine continues to grow.”   Paula Wise,  Eureka, MT.

“Since experiencing the Illuminated Mind Seminars my life has been transformed.  I am more peaceful and am surrounded by love, beauty and life’s abundance.”  Kathy Colibri, Sound Healer, Reflexologist, Swan Valley, MT.

“The Illuminated Mind Seminars Jeff and Debra offer provided  the answers and experiences I needed to build the confidence and mindfulness to understand my purpose on Earth.”  Dan Colibri, Swan Valley, MT.

“Those of us who participated in the Intuitive Mastery Seminar, were gently guided and supported on our unique intuitive journeys.  I have certainly experienced significant expansion and reconfiguration within myself.”  Susan Burgman, Energy Healer, Crowsnest, AB. 

Water Lilies Community

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