Life has Changed — Connections in Transition

“What is happening in the world is that each of us is being transformed by the incoming energies of the New Age."
Ten Lakes Forest and Mountains of Life Connections in Transition
Forest and Mountains

Life has changed…

Things aren’t the same. Have you sensed it?  Old friendships are not what they once were, their patterns have shifted, some long-time relationships have fallen away.  The familiar in our life isn’t so familiar anymore.

Things feel empty yet little has outwardly changed in a measurable sense.  One might say that life connections, in their many forms, are not as before — comfortable, familiar, supportive of our daily routines.

The once recognizable skies of our existence are somehow different, strange and lacking the joyful and happy rhythms of the past.  That’s because all of our lives are silently shifting upwards, both individually and collectively, creating connections in transition in so many areas of our lives.

The New Age, The Shift…

These experiences are part of the “falling away of the old” aspect of the upwardly shifting incoming energies of the new dimension, the next octave.  It is referred to by many names:  The New Age, the Age of Aquarius, the Shift, the incoming 5th Dimension (New Dimension), and by other names and descriptions.  Whatever it is called, it affects all areas of life both individually and as a society.

It Is Happening to Us

This ongoing phenomenon continues to remove old emotional and energetic inner structures that have anchored us to the familiars of our life.  Simultaneously, it is reattaching other internal connections to the incoming spiritual, energetic and dimensional structures of our new life, our higher essence.  It the human level, all of this can create uneasy and unfamiliar feelings within us.

Many people feel emotionally, energetically and psychologically disconnected, some becoming a little unhinged.  Just observe the news to see the evidence.

Because of all this, some say that society is falling apart.  While it is true that any transition creates disruption and some chaos as the old is replaced by the new, things are far from disintegrating.  In fact, it is just the opposite.

We Have Been Here Before

Had there been a 24 hour news cycle during the Renaissance or the Industrial Revolution, it is likely that people would have said that they felt the same then as people say they do now.

The known, with all of its benefits and flaws, was crumbling.  This created a tenuous vacuum of the recognizable that was being replaced by a blossoming higher awareness, a metamorphosis one might say, in art and literature during the Renaissance and a new technological awareness during the Industrial Revolution.

It was a phenomenon for the elite of the day, trickling down to the everyday person.  For the prominent, life was great.  For the commoner of those times, things (social norms) likely felt unsettled and a bit confusing as they evolved and changed.

The New Age is Here

Now, this incoming age, which is the Age of Aquarius, permeates the entire planet and everyone who lives on it.

This Universal process takes each person to the next level, so to speak.  Everyone can participate equally in the opportunities given to us during this wondrous time.

It is truly a glorious period in which to be alive, for we are living in a golden age of spiritual awakening!  We just need to know how to navigate through this process.

You Are Who You Were

Navigating in rough seas requires us to use alternate approaches to ensure success, an enhanced set of skills not required when all is calm.  That is also true in our lives. 

Most people operate from their lesser self, running on the autopilot of learned routines, habitual behaviors and responses and pre-programmed ways of thinking about the day-to-day activities of their life.

Studies have shown that the vast amount of activities of our life do not require a great deal of “new” thought.  For example, you don’t have to think how to brush your teeth each morning.  That behavioral routine has long since been ingrained to the point where we do it without thinking.

So it is also with our perspective on life, which is a culmination of previously learned ways of seeing things and pre-patterned behaviors from our youth, and past lives, which may or may not serve us well now.

In fact, many of our behaviors and ways of thinking serve us poorly in our current life; they are outdated remnants of previous situations and childhood programming.  We just haven’t taken the time to re-evaluate them and make changes.

Make a Choice

Guess what?  If we desire things to get better, now is the time to begin those changes, and they’re not that hard to do.  It just requires a slight refocus of our awareness and a desire and commitment to do so.

Not like a marriage commitment.  More like a car payment commitment.

(At this point, if one wishes to move directly to the solution, page-down to The Daily Solution heading.)

Long-Term Approach

If we go on a diet in order to lose weight so we can go back to eating our favorite foods in unlimited quantities, not much will happen in the long term.  We will just find ourselves wearing clothes that are several sizes too big and possibly living with a lower self esteem.

The same is true for living in times of change and growth as the higher energies of the New Age permeate the world and those who live upon it.

We must focus on our true self, our High Self and be ready to receive higher guidance to better flow with the changes, which we will get to in a moment. 

First, we need to explain how these incoming energies of the New Age are affecting us and our spiritual (energetic) being.

How the Energies of the New Age Affect Us

Why do I feel this way — uneasy, confused, insecure, and/or disconnected from the familiar people, places and routines of my life, you might ask?  What is going on?  Am I on the right planet?  This is what we refer to in this writing as Connections in Transition — that is, your being’s connections are in transition.

Energetic Groundings — The Relatively Short Explanation

The short answer is that each of us has familiar people, places, things, routines, and so on, that makes up our everyday life.  We know the people in our lives and how they are.  We are familiar with the sights and sounds of where we live and the routines of our job, social activities and the nature of the people in our community.

All of these provide emotional, mental, spiritual, and especially energetic, grounding points for us.  They can be thought of as both psychological and spiritual-psychological grounding points that allow us to live securely and comfortably in the world, and navigate smoothly throughout the activities of our day.  These grounding points make everything appear and feel “right” and “proper” to us.

Through our brain’s and our energetic being’s natural design, we also associate emotions, feelings, memories and characteristic attributes with each of these inner grounding points.

That is, we relate certain thoughts, memories and feelings to particular people, places, things and situations, which correspond to our inner energetic grounding points.

Some of these grounding points exist strictly internally and have no external (real world) counterpart.  They exist only in our brain and imagination, but they are no less real. 

For example, flights of fancy for which we hold strong emotional ties are an example of this.  They may have energetic grounding points associated with them.

These Energetic Grounding Points Are Real…

These grounding points are as real as our aura, which can be photographed using special techniques and equipment.

Psychics and clairvoyants can see both auras and these energetic grounding points.  They are different from Aka cords, which also form attachments, usually from our solar plexus.  Aka cords are lower astral energy connections that are a form of energetic attachment.

The energetic connection grounding points we are discussing are far more nuanced and go well beyond simple Aka cord connections.  That is why they have such a profound effect on our mental, emotional and spiritual states of being.

These energetic groundings connect and operate deep into the internal energy structures and mechanisms of our many energetic bodies.

I can see them attached to our energetic bodies, the lower three chakras as well as the internal and external mental, emotional and spiritual body structures of our being.  They often connect and operate in octave (stacked) layers of our being. 

Usually, I see the energy link as a translucent or transparent cord that connect in various ways to our energetic bodies, to physical objects, to emotions, to thoughts, to ideas, to memories, to people, almost anything imaginable. 

Also, because the threads of our own divine beings are intertwined throughout Creation, we also have energetic connections to the higher octaves, dimensions, realms and some of the etheric beings that dwell therein.  These “heavenly” connections are important energetic grounding points to our higher essence.

All of these energetic grounding connections allow us to know about, interact with and be comfortable with whatever they are attached to.

As an example, it is like two computer networks that connect with one another to share information.  Very quickly, both computer networks “know” each other’s name, security levels, network functionality, how many files they have, what the files are, the types of programs they run and what services they offer to each other. 

This also happens to us through the energetic grounding points that connect to and interact with our being and spiritual bodies.

As mentioned before, the connection can be to something that only exists in the mind but that can also tie to higher etheric planes.  When we use our imagination, we often create things on these higher planes.

Why We Are Feeling this Way…

When we are put in to new situations, meet new people, places, or things, we often feel uncomfortable.  Why?  It is because they are unfamiliar to us and we may not know what to do, what do say, how to act, and so forth.

We do not yet have psychological grounding points established to know what to do, how to act, what to say, and on and on.

Throughout our daily activities, we are psychologically (internally) utilizing these various grounding points as each moment of our life passes.  We don’t even know that our brain and energetic being are doing this.  It just happens in background. 

That is, it happens and everything flows smoothly until our situation changes or something starts rewiring our psychological grounding points.  At that point, things can become emotionally, mentally, and/or psychologically unsettled, sometimes unhinged for those who are already on the edge.

With the above in mind, the short answer to what is happening in the world is that each of us is being transformed by the incoming energies of the New Age.  The earth’s frequency, along with everyone on the earth, is being raised. 

As this happens, some of our old energetic grounding points, those things that made us feel emotionally, mentally, spiritually, i.e., psychologically secure and stable, are being removed. 

At the same time, new higher energetic connections are being established within our being as these incoming energies connect us to the higher aspects of our own being as well as the structures and energies of the new dimension.  Of course, these new connections are unfamiliar to us and we do not know how to “process” them within our brain or energetic being at the conscious level.

So, the reason many of us are feeling vulnerable, uneasy, insecure, confused, angry, etc., is because of these incoming energies.  If that gets combined with pre-existing mental or emotional conditions that we are facing at a particular moment in our life, the problem becomes much more pronounced. 

These energies affect us individually, our community and society, and by extension fosters cultural transformations throughout the world.

Psychological/Past Life Baggage

Now that you know about grounding, we need to talk about baggage.  Each of us carries some emotional, spiritual and behavioral baggage.  All of it exists energetically within our being.

Some people believe much of it originated from past life events and situations while others believe that it is part of our DNA make-up and early childhood conditioning and experiences.

Either way, they show up energetically (for me) as discordant blobs of energy that are usually attached in some way to one or more of the lower three chakras in our body, or on the back of the spine.  They appear to be tied to the back or the front of our body by thin dark energetic cords.

Now, believe it or not, our energetic connections to our baggage also provide us psychological grounding points, which may seem a little dysfunctional, but it is true. 

When these connections to our “baggage” become disconnected, they can also cause us problems, sometimes they are more pronounced because psychological baggage can be a real emotional, mental and behavioral stabilizer for some people.

Premature removal of these discordant baggage energetic connections can cause emotional, mental and behavioral problems.  Again, just look at the events of the daily news cycle.

The Daily Solution

Now, it is not necessary that we understand the details of how all of these grounding connections and disconnections are happening, only that they are happening. 

With that knowledge, each of us can take simple steps on a daily basis to help keep all this energetic, spiritual and psychological circuitry of our being wired properly.  At the same time, it can help us become familiar (more quickly) with these new higher-level grounding points that are being established within our being.  In other words, we can feel more normal again, more quickly, as the energies of the New Age continue flowing in.

This brings us back to the High Self.  It has the answers we seek.

High Self

Everyone has a High Self.  It is the part of our being that has its connection to the Divine, Source, God, Higher Power, or however one refers to it.  It is sometimes called our God Self, Over Soul and by other names, depending upon the spiritual belief system (i.e., Hindu, Buddhist, etc.) or spiritual group. 

What matters is that each of us has a direct connection to a part of us that is truly unlimited, and by the way, happens to know the blueprint for our life path. 

How can you beat that?

It is by connecting with that part of our self, and increasingly operating from that connection, that our lives become more grounded, stable, flowing, fulfilling and happy. 

In time, things that rock everyone else’s boat become just another day at the office for us.

Method 1: A Step-by-Step Method to Connect Energetically With Your High Self

For those who are spiritually focused or at least open to their spiritual nature, here is a simple and safe technique to connect with your High Self (not merge).  It is not fancy, but it is effective.

You may wish to write these steps down or record them for yourself, so you don’t have to think about what to do when you first get started.

Preparing for Meditation:

A.  Find a comfortable chair.  Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor and your arms and legs uncrossed.  Place your hands in your lap and have your fingers curled toward your body (this will keep your energy flowing out of your fingers circulating back into your auric field.)
B.  Take in a deep breathe through your nose and hold it for a moment, then let it out through your mouth.
C.  Take in another deep breathe through your nose and hold it for a moment, then let it out through your mouth.
D.  Take in one more deep breathe through your nose and hold it for an extra moment, then let it out of your mouth with a sigh.

Method 1:  Meditation Steps

Step 1:

See yourself surrounded by a bubble of intense white light that is being filled by a shaft of light originating from high above, from infinity.  See the bubble fill your entire aura.  Whatever size you perceive your aura to be is fine.  See, imagine, visualize, or intend your aura to be filled with intense white light that continually flows from the shaft of light originating from far above.  For extra protection, you can see the outside of the bubble surrounded by a layer of indigo blue, which is known as the spiritual armor of light.

Step 2:

Imagine, visualize or just intend that your High Self is some distance above your head.  Whatever distance above your head that you perceive your High Self to be is right for you.  Now, your High Self should be centered within the beam of intense white light that is pouring down from high above and filling your bubble.  You can imagine that your High Self looks exactly as you do.  If you see your High Self differently, that is fine, too.

Step 3:

Imagine a shaft of golden light that starts at the level of your heart that is the width of your aura.  See, imagine, visual, or intend that the shaft of golden light starts at your heart level and goes down through your feet and anchors in the center of the earth.  The golden light will not interfere with your bubble of white light.

Step 4:

Once you feel the golden shaft of light is well anchored, imagine, visualize, or intend that wonderful earth energy is coming up through your feet and swirling around in your body.  This grounds you to Mother Earth, which is connected to the Universe and Creation.  Once you feel this process is done (no more than 30 seconds), move on.

Step 5:

Imagine, visualize, or intend that a shaft of silver light starts at the level of your heart that is the width of your aura.  See, imagine, visual, or intend that the shaft of silver light goes up through your head, through your high self and anchors in the center of Creation.  Again, visualize it, imagine it, or intend it, and it will happen energetically.  Once complete, see Divine light flowing down from the center of Creation, through your High Self, through your head and body and flowing into Mother Earth.  Just as before, this shouldn’t take more than 30 seconds.  The silver energy will not affect the bubble of light.

You are now energetically tied to Divine higher guidance through your connection to the center of Creation and grounded to Mother Earth through your connection to this planet.  You now have the energetic and spiritual constructs to allow you to connect with your High Self.

Step 6:

Now, with all of these energetic connections in place, see, visualize, imagine, or intend that energetic lines of light are flowing from the body of your High Self above to the corresponding place on your physical body.  Allow the connecting lines to continue to form until the process stops on its own.  Again, visualize it, imagine it, intend it, and it will happen.

These lines of energy you imagined connecting your High Self with your body actually exist, along with all of the other energetic structures you created. 

They allow you to communicate through the many connections to your High Self.  These energetic connections between your body and your High Self are there to support your spiritual growth and keep you more centered, grounded and emotionally centered as the energies of the New Age transform everything and everyone on the earth.

Method 2:  Another Way to Connect With Your High Self

(If you did the previous step using Method 1, skip ahead to the Daily Meditation heading.)

If one does not wish to pursue connecting with their High Self through a spiritual approach, that is just fine.  There is a form of meditation called Vipassana or insight meditation.  It is a form of meditation that focuses upon one’s breath, almost exclusively.  The book Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana is an excellent source to learn how.  I have used this technique and it is just as effective.  However, there are other sources to learn this method, as well.

The reason I recommend this form of meditation is that even if a person isn’t interested in meeting their High Self, by using this meditative technique, they end up unknowingly connecting with this aspect of their being, allowing higher guidance to be received energetically in a way that is specifically tailored for them.

One gets the benefit of the High Self connection without having to even know about it.  It also eliminates any spirituality or religion as part of the process, if that is an issue.

Learning this method will take longer than the previous approach, but it works well.  Like any method, the more one does it the easier it becomes to do.

When using the Vipassana method, do Steps 1, 3, 4 and 5 of Method 1.

As a quick recap, first imagine the bubble of light around your aura as well as the gold and silver shafts of light as described in Method 1.  Make sure you see both the earth energy coming up through the golden shaft of light and Divine light coming down the silver shaft of light.  You can skip the step where you see your High Self above you when using this method.  However, if you wish, you can still imagine linking to your High Self.  Then, enter the Vipassana meditative state.

Daily Meditation – 20 Minutes is All You Need

Once you have done the steps using Method 1 or Method 2, you are ready for your 20 minutes, or more, of meditation.  If you find yourself short on time, even 10 or 5 minutes will due in a pinch when using Method 1.  Method 2, or Vipassana meditation, usually requires more time than 5, 10 or even 20 minutes, in order to properly center.  That is the drawback to that method, although it is an incredibly powerful meditation technique.

Keeping Things Balanced

As you meditate, old energetic grounding connections will naturally fall away while new higher connections are made.  Because you have the gold and silver shafts of light at the width of your aura, these two shafts incorporate, or overlap, all the layers of your aura, or your spiritual bodies. 

Because of the overlap, these shafts of light naturally balance the energy levels and flows between all of the bodies as well as help keep the meridian lines flowing together, maintaining all these energy flows as a single system.

The importance of this energetic balancing becomes apparent as old grounding points are removed and new ones are put in place.  Each time one is removed or established, the energy systems of your aura and energetic bodies have to re-balance.  Without these shafts of light re-balancing and re-aligning things, we can find ourselves emotionally, mentally, and psychologically out of sorts.

The same thing is true as old (past life) baggage falls away.  Each time one falls away, the energy flows of your spiritual bodies must re-align and balance out.  Again, the re-balancing keeps us on a more even keel.

Because of your High Self connection, during periods when all of this connecting, disconnecting, re-balancing and re-aligning is taking place within your being’s energy system, wonderful things are happening.

That is, everything is being tuned to the energetic and template patterns of your High Self’s body, sometimes referred to as the Light Body or Light Body Template.  In other words, your energy systems are being tuned to your God-self template!

Additionally, because of the connection to Mother Earth, as the discordant energy baggage falls away, it is drawn into the center of the earth where it is transmuted into light.

Closing Thoughts…

This Helps You Manage the Process

This approach will not eliminate the energetic process brought about by the incoming energies of the New Age or your life path.  Rather, it will help you manage it and keep things running more smoothly.

It keeps your emotional, spiritual, mental, and other energetic bodies more balanced.  The more one uses this method, the more normal we will feel throughout the day.  It is truly a gift we can give to ourselves, from the Divine, by just doing a simple meditation.

Live From Your Heart

Live from your heart center, imagine yourself breathing through your heart center while you meditate.  Your heart light shines brightly on what the mind and lesser self cannot see.  Your heart light will shine all day and be a blessing to others.

Things will Speed Up

Things will speed up for you now and go much more smoothly because of this meditative approach.

Seek Out Like-Minded People

You may wish to seek out like-minded people to meditate with who also focus on the positive.  It makes it much easier to keep things in balance.

It is likely that you will find that you will be dumping energetic baggage more frequently as you continue.

Flow with the Changes

Flow with the changes as your being’s frequency raises upward.  Although this is a good thing, sometimes we may find ourselves unusually comfortable with our current situation and may not wish to move on.  When this happens, exercise your freedom of choice wisely, and with discernment.

As an add-on to the last thought, know that all is well when the road gets bumpy.  This happens as we grow and are ready for greater challenges.  Again, exercise your freedom of choice carefully.

Follow your higher guidance in the moment throughout the day.  As you do, each little step will gradually guide your course toward calmer seas and smoother sailing.

Change is the Norm

Accept that ongoing change is the norm.  Try not to become attached to the “next” stable routine, thinking that it might be the final step in the “plan”.  So long as we are alive, there are always next steps.

Subconscious is a Status-quo Agent

As a heads up, the subconscious and Low Self don’t like change.  The subconscious is a status-quo agent. 

With this in mind, it may set up road blocks as different layers of (past life) baggage comes to the surface.  This isn’t necessarily a test, merely the subconscious doing its duty as a social protector to keep you in what it sees as recognizable patterns.

So long as we recognize that the subconscious may create real-world roadblocks to keep us from moving forward, it merely requires us to stay focused and to move through the particular roadblock situation.

As time goes on, the subconscious will begin to back off as it comes to see the dedication we have to our spiritual growth.

All is Well

Finally, know that all is well or will be well again, especially in times of tumult.  Remember we are all guided, we just have to be silent and listen.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

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