Future Lives in Other Times

“What we think of as past, present and future lives has more to do with the order in which we choose to experience our lifetimes, rather than the ongoing tick, tick, tick of time.”
Life, Love and Time -- golden watches with heart shaped optical overlays
Life, Love and Time

Future Lives of the Past

Future lives may not always happen at a later date.  Upcoming lives can occur in the chronological past.

Knowing how past and future lives interconnect and interact can help us understand why unusual and peculiar events occur in our life.

Lifetimes and Roadmaps

At the higher etheric octaves (or levels), time is like looking at a roadmap.  For our purposes, let’s say that all geographical locations on a map to the left (west) of our visual position are further in the past.  Places that are directly in front of us are what we think of as the present.  Those locations to the right (east) of our position are what we consider to be the chronological future.

For ease of discussion, we’ll leave north and south out of the equation and just treat them as different places within each time frame.

Instantaneous Communications Across Lifetimes

Just as all cities on a map are interconnected by highways, including telecommunication systems, etc., so are our many lives.  They are energetically connected with one another across what we think of as time.  Importantly, those connections-across-lifetimes are instantaneous, just like a television broadcast is for us here on planet earth.

With this in mind, all of the cities on the map exist at once, independent of time.

Similarly, all of our lives exist in the eternal now, also detached from time.

Chain of Lifetimes Across Time

With that said, our present life now could have been preceded by an incarnation somewhere in the 2300s.  Our next lifetime could occur back in the 1800s.

Basically, what we think of as past, present and future lives has more to do with the order in which we choose to experience our lifetimes, rather than the ongoing tick, tick, tick of time.

Back to the map… Because of the constant, ongoing traffic on the many highway systems shown on the map, the events in one location can affect those in another.

Exploring Cause and Effect

A physical or electronic delivery from New York city to Los Angeles has an effect on both cities.  How much will depend upon the nature of the cargo or communication.

As an example, a large influx of wood building supplies from Portland, Maine to Albuquerque, New Mexico could significantly accelerate the pace of housing construction.  This would allow business in Albuquerque to expand and thrive more quickly than it would without those building materials.

Likewise, a news broadcast regarding a change in the business climate for Albuquerque could have a comparable impact.  If it were positive, people there might spend more money.  If it were negative, families could reduce expenditures and keep their funds in the bank.

Cause & Effect — Past, Present and Future

Both of these physical and electronic deliveries are similar to the communications that exist between our many lives/lifetimes.

The happenings in one lifetime can affect related happenings within the same lifetime, or even another lifetime, whether located in the past or future.  They all exist in the eternal now.

Life Plan

Our Life Plan, like the one we have for this life, includes every possible choice we could ever make.  It also incorporates every possible event that would result from any choices that we could make, each step of the way throughout the course of our life.

All the events contained in this Life Plan, as well as lessons we are to learn, are linked together, akin to how cities and towns are connected together on our map by all the road systems.

What we haven’t mentioned before, is that each choice we face throughout the day may be connected to another linked choice that exists in what we think of as a present, past, or future lifetime – in the same way that cities are connected on the map.

They are linked together because they are part of the same related lesson or ongoing chain of learning.  They are mutually connected across what we think of as time, although, again, they really exist in the eternal now.

What is important to know is that our level of awareness determines how fast we learn those lessons and how well we make choices throughout each day.

Levels of Awareness and Our Growth

Each life-path choice that is placed in our (complex) Life Plan is there so we can learn a particular lesson or lessons.  Once we learn a lesson, we will naturally move on to the next thing in our Life Plan.

Since the lesson we learn is woven into the various segments of our life-paths, when our lesson is complete, we will also move to the next life-path segment that contains the upcoming lesson we are to learn.

Life-path segments are like long city streets or roads.  When one street ends, another begins.  Similarly, just like streets, life-path segments parallel and intersect with one another.

When this happens, we shift to another life-path segment that contains the next things we are to learn.  Most often, this shift to the next life-path segment is part of the natural unfoldment of our learning.

However, sometimes this shift is dramatic; we call this phenomena path-shifting.


Path-shifting is when we shift to another life-path (segment).  This new life-path then becomes our active path, while the one we just shifted from becomes an alternate life-path.

Sometimes, new life-paths will include different historical events as part of that path, as well.

Weird things can happen if we path-shift abruptly rather than through the natural unfoldment of our growth.  Occasionally, past events and history we thought we knew all these years suddenly and inexplicably change.

Lessons Divided into Smaller Pieces

Now that we have covered life-paths and path-shifting, we need to talk about how our lessons are arranged within our Life Plan.

Life lessons are often distributed across several functional life-paths areas so that we can learn a lesson more quickly.

For example, the lesson of patience may be spread across what we might call our spiritual, vocational, relationship, and mental facility life-paths functional areas.  Again, distributed in this way, it will help us learn our lesson of patience from different perspectives, or paradigms, which accelerates our learning.

Frequencies — Low, Middle and High

We need to discuss one more facet of our awareness and learning before we can tie all of this together:

  • The energetic “frequency” of our being’s awareness, and;
  • The energetic “frequency” of the lesson we are to learn.  (Yes, as with all things in Creation, they both have a frequency.)

Now, when the energetic “frequency” of our being’s awareness in some area matches or exceeds the energetic “frequency” of the lesson we are to learn, it is then that we can suddenly gain the insight needed to learn that lesson (Wow, I get it!).

With this in mind, some of the levels of our awareness and learning are quite advanced.  Therefore, so are the life-path segments in which they exist (are woven).

Simultaneously, other areas of our growth are in the middle, while some may be still quite undeveloped.  Therefore, so, too, will be the life-path segments in which they are embedded.

In other words, we are at many levels of learning and awareness within different areas of our life at the same time.  We talked about this in our article Spirals of Spiritual Growth.

Putting It All Together

All of this may seem a bit complex, but we think it will be clear once you see it in an example.

For ease of reference, we will tie all of this together using our previous example.

Let’s say we have been working on the lesson of patience for lifetimes.  For whatever reason, our level of awareness in this area is low, therefore our learning has been slow.  The energetic frequency of our being’s awareness in this area is also low.

Distributed Learning

Our lesson of patience is also distributed across our vocational, relationship, and mental facility functional areaswithin our Life Plan.  That is, we are facing this lesson in our job activities, the relationship with our spouse, and when we have to work on logical problem solving requiring mental focus and concentration.  Each functional area is simultaneously teaching us patience in a different way to accelerate our learning.

Patience also happens to be almost exclusively our current active life-path’s primary lesson.  In other words, other lessons aren’t mixed in with patience in our current life-path.

Additionally, our current active life-path is also linked to events in our next life.  That life is situated in the future, although it could just as easily been in the 1800s, as in our earlier example.

Focused on Our Spiritual Growth

Now, we recently decided to become laser focused on our spiritual growth.  We have pulled out all the stops and are moving forward in our learning at warp speed, especially in the area of patience.

Because we are eagerly seeking our Higher Guidance, our being’s level of awareness is becoming increasingly refined.  The frequency of our being’s awareness in the area of patience has risen much higher.

The Epiphany!

Within a short period of time, we have been able to glean insights and learning that have eluded us all of our life, even lifetimes.

Suddenly, the lights turned on for us and we have an epiphany!  We gained the insights needed to exercise patience in our life.  The lesson has been learned!

The Dominos Fall

This is the point where things quickly shift in our life-paths within our Life Plan.

With this epiphany, the frequency of our awareness has exceeded the frequency of our lesson in patience.  We got it!

Immediately, our current (active) life-path is no longer needed and we path-shift to another life-path, one that contains the next lesson prescribed in our Life Plan.  In this example, our next lesson happens to be courage.

Our old life-path, including the functional life-path areas of vocational, relationship and mental facility that contained the lesson of patience woven into them have now been turned off.  They became alternate life-paths, not our active (primary) path.

We Path-Shifted

As prescribed by our Life Plan, we have just path-shifted to a new active life-path where courage is the primary focus of that path.

Also in our Life Plan, this lesson has been distributed into three other functional life-path areas of spiritual, vocational and relationship to accelerate learning the lesson of courage.  In this case, the functional life-path area of mental facility is not being used, because it is not needed.

Future Life-Path Linkages

Remember that we said that our previous life-path of patience was linked to our next life in the chronological future.  However, once we path-shifted, all of the active links that were part of that path to other future lifetimes, as well as any past lives, have also been deactivated, i.e., become alternate life-path(s).

Like a Highway

This is the same thing that happens as we are driving.  When we merge onto a new highway, the roads that intersect this new highway that exist behind us, as well as those that are directly in front of us, are completely different than they were on the old highway.  The same thing is true when we path-shift.

Rippling Across our Many Life Plans

Even though we have shifted to the new lesson of courage, the previous process with patience continues until it is complete.

That is, any of the other life-path links (containing patience) where the frequency of our newly-gained awareness in the lesson of patience is equal to or greater than the frequency of the lesson, the energies of that lesson are effectively dissolved.  They are released and deactivated.  The life-paths that contained those lessons have become alternate paths.

This energetic effect ripples throughout all of our life-path linkages into future lives as well as past lives, i.e., life-path segments.  As this rippling happens, it can also cause additional path-shifting to occur.

The reason for the additional path-shifting is because one lesson can cause our being to become aware of insights in other related lessons.  When this happens, those related lesson life-paths also become deactivated (become alternate) and whatever our Life Plan has for the next lessons in those other areas become activated (active).

Life Plans Operate Independent of Time

This is important!  The built-in mechanisms that run our Life Plan are based upon the energetic frequencies of our being’s awareness and life lessons, not time.

Life Plans operate independent of what we think of as time within the eternal now.

Once we have learned our lesson, like patience, any active life-path linkages, whether they are in what we think of as the future or the past, are effectively dissolved, the energies deactivated.

Life-Path Rippling Effect Has Rules

However, this process (rippling effect) only happens with:

  • Life-path segments that are active, whether going forward or backward through our incarnations and their linkages.  And
  • It also requires that the frequency of our being’s awareness in that lesson area, like patience, equals or exceeds the frequency of the lesson.

Otherwise, if both of these above conditions are not met, the rippling across linked life-paths and lifetimes stops.

Tipping Point to Illumination and Enlightenment

With everything said, there comes a point in existence of every soul where we have reached a sufficient level of awareness and learning that none of the lifetimes, life-paths, or threads of learning are needed for us to grow.  We have sufficiently ascended in our awareness and learning that we operate predominantly from the level (and frequency) of our High Self, our God Self.

At this point, all of our identity and connections with our many lives falls away and we can become instantly Illuminated and Enlightened, operating completely from our Divine nature.

Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East

This is what Baird Spalding talked about in Book 4 of The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East.  Essentially, he said that as a Master ascends upward finally reaching the state of Illumination and Enlightenment, they take the stairs with them.

When we are ready, this will happen to each of us when we realize our true identity has nothing to do with our countless lifetimes, or the events contained within them.

The One Life in the Eternal Now

Our Future Lives in Other Times are really our one Life we are living in the eternal now.

Truly, in our highest identity we are One with the Divine!

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

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