The Powerful Effects of Spiritual Energy

“I went through two motherboards in a period of 18 months and my electronic watches would barely last three weeks before they quit working.”
Sunset over head of woman with Powerful Spiritual Energies

Getting Ready for Class

As I was preparing and practicing for an upcoming Zoom spoon bending class, I was reminded of how spiritual energy can have measurable effects on physical objects… beyond just the spoons.

Harmonized Frequency, Flow and Energetic Rhythm

Of course, the spoons themselves are bent by harmonizing our energies of our chakra system into the same frequency, flow and energetic rhythm.  This energetic harmony and resonance cause the metal to become softer and more pliable so that we can bend or twist them to our liking.

Recently Bent Spoons

Desired & Undesired Effects

As mentioned in previous writings, these energies can have both desired and undesired effects on physical objects, electronics, even refrigerators or chalk as unique examples.

Let me explain.

Our Energies, Powerful like Coherent Laser Light

When our energy system becomes perfectly harmonized together to the same frequency, flow, and energetic rhythm, it becomes far more powerful, especially for spiritual practitioners.

When that potent energy is free to flow uninhibited, wonderful things can and do happen.

However, if these energies encounter blocks, the energies can scatter and become erratic and disharmonious, occasionally facilitating unwanted outcomes.

Undesired Energy Effects

For that reason, one of the last things people do after bending spoons is to have them reconnect to their higher guidance and re-ground to Mother earth using a modified grounding technique.

This ensures that nothing undesired happens afterwards — as any problematic, discordant energies are absorbed and transmuted by Mother earth.

Emotional Baggage Vs. Powerful Energies

As we live our life, we are naturally releasing energetic attachments, i.e., emotional baggage, while we learn and grow.  Much of it just falls away as we release old patterns and ways of thinking.

However, sometimes we hold on to a portion of what is being released.  It then gets processed through our own energetic field.

When this happens, we may experience the emotions, thoughts, and states of mind that were part of the emotional baggage as it is released.  We may feel sad, angry, confused, etc., as this occurs. 

Counterintuitive Healing!

Although it is counterintuitive, when this happens it actually means things are getting better!  We are healing!

Collision of Energies

After bending spoons, our chakra’s energy system is harmonized like the coherent light of a powerful laser.  If this potent energy flow hits our emotional baggage as it is being released, it can cause spurious scattering and undesired effects on physical objects.

Two Motherboards and Several Watches

I went through two motherboards in a period of 18 months and my electronic watches would barely last three weeks before they quit working.  Keep in mind that my computer is on regulated power (UPS).

It took some time, but I finally figured out that energetic attachments were clashing with the harmonized energies of my chakra system.

Once that became clear, the solution was to allow my higher guidance to keep things safe (and functioning).

Desired Energy Effects

On the other hand, when we remain connected to our higher guidance and grounded to Mother earth, incredibly wonderful things happen when these energies are present!  Any discordant energies are absorbed and dissolved by Mother earth, keeping everything calm and smooth.

The day after I prepared and practiced spoon bending for this upcoming class, I had to make a 140-mile round shopping trip (we live in rural Montana).  My Subaru always gets around 28+ mpg with the summer gasoline mix.  It’s doesn’t vary more than 0.5 mpg with dry pavement for this trip.

Incredible Gas Mileage

This time my Subaru got 33+ mpg for the same shopping trip.  Considering that there was already over 96 miles of pre-spoon-bending driving on that tank of fuel, my actual mileage was probably closer to 36-38 mpg.  The record right now is 45 mpg with my wife’s Subaru, which normally gets between 28-31 mpg.

Refrigerator and Bent Chalk

On one occasion, these harmonized and resonating energies caused the ice maker on our refrigerator to heal itself after a year of not working.

Also, decades ago, we had an entire box of new chalk (back in those days) that were all bent because of these harmonized, coherent chakra system energies.

Spontaneously Healed

A few years ago, while doing an Illumination Seminar in Boise, Idaho, one of our students was suddenly healed of a longstanding injury.

It happened during Friday night’s meditations, where everyone was going to a deep Theta state during the meditations.  (Theta state is associated with deep sleep states and hypnosis.  Brainwave states of 4 – 7 Hz).

She had a back problem caused by one of her legs being slightly shorter than the other, as a result of an accident some years earlier.  This caused her nerve pain because her back was out of alignment.  The medical community had done all they could do to help, but she was left with chronic pain.

Just before closing on Friday, she felt a pair of (invisible) hands grab the knee area of her injured leg and pull down.  Suddenly, both legs were the same length!  Her back was straight and the pain had instantly disappeared!

Her first thoughts were that maybe she had imagined this and that it wasn’t real, and decided to keep it to herself.

She waited until Sunday morning’s opening class review/preview to tell everyone.  She delayed telling everybody to ensure that her healing was both real and permanent.

And, there are more examples…

Spiritual Energies are Real and Powerful!

Many people say that spiritual energies do not have an effect or any relevance to our real life.

Debra and I have seen all kinds of fantastic things happen when we connect to our higher guidance, allowing our energies to flow together in harmony and resonance.

We believe these spiritual energies have everything to do with our life here on earth — a mystical experience, if we choose to see it that way!

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

1 thought on “The Powerful Effects of Spiritual Energy”

  1. Hello Jeff and Debra
    thank you for your emails….I avoid being on my computer although it is a powerful tool….so am going through some of your writings. Yes there is power and grace in our focused energies….but better gas milage? that is crazy. and if it is really true; then maybe my car can keep running for another 3 years. Sorry not to be attending meetings or zooming. I miss you both but have been enrolled in ceramic classes. We have a two week break before the next session in which I have started planting my garden and moving plants around….plus the eternal weeding. Love to you both, Linda (from Whitefish)

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