Spiritual Connection Versus Shiny Objects

“Not all spiritual paths lead to the harmonious Oneness.  Indeed, most are detours and distractions, nothing more.  -Lao Tzu”
Lao Tzu's Image and Spiritual Quote

Peaceful Serenity

Whenever I am in deep meditation, it is like being in a blissful meadow on a sunny, warm spring day.  Any ongoing concerns, thoughts about upcoming projects, or other annoyances are absent from my being.  All is serene, my mind is quiet and emotions tranquil and calm.

The nature of our true spiritual life is the simplicity of its essence.  It is about our connection and dwelling with Spirit.  This is our source of unconditional love, inner knowing, peace of mind, and strength of purpose.  Sometimes we just dwell in “beingness” while other times outwardly expressive with purpose – each coming from the same Source.

The World

Then there is the outer life.

Our world is filled with cleverly worded advertisements, attractively designed merchandise and creations that have the perfect combination of colors and shapes that seductively invite our attention!

We see it everywhere — on billboards, magazines, newspapers, television, radio, and our electronic devices.

It is impossible to escape the barrage of alluring products and services, so ideally packaged that it almost instinctively makes us want to get one of our own, so we don’t miss out!

Quantities are limited and we must buy in the next 30 minutes to get 70 percent of the jewel of our dreams we just found on our Facebook feed or saw in a Google ad a few seconds ago.

We refer to these as shiny objects.

It Can Happen in the Spiritual World

This can happen in the spiritual world, too, often with the best of intentions.  And this is not a new phenomenon, either.

Lao Tzu said, “Not all spiritual paths lead to the harmonious Oneness.  Indeed, most are detours and distractions, nothing more.”

The Committed Spiritual Path

It is natural while on the committed spiritual path to intensely seek to find the insights and wisdom that will guide us to our unique spiritual lifepath; one that resonates with our spirit, and brings fulfilment, serenity, joy and love that fills our being to overflowing!

Since each of us intuitively knows that we will be guided by the Divine to find what we seek, our eagerness can sometimes make us susceptible to spiritual paths that are not right for us.

Unique Connection to the Divine

Given that every person has a special and deeply mysterious relationship to the Divine (God), that also means that we each have a unique spiritual path that is just for us, which we call our Soul’s High Path.

It may look similar to someone else’s life path.  However, the nuanced outward differences between the two paths can be a Grand Canyon apart in the reality of each person’s inner spiritual world.

This is very important to keep in mind.

It’s My Path… So, It Must Be Your Path, Too!

When someone receives an insight or discovers a spiritual approach or mystical truth that changes their life, it is normal to declare it from the roof tops.  It’s natural to think that it would also be equally powerful, uplifting and transforming for everyone else’s life, too!

Tantalizing Spiritual Course Name

It may even be given a powerful name that appropriately reflects the awesome transformation it had in their life.

If the newfound spiritual insight was about energy and chakras, they may call it something like, “The Quantum Chakra Energy-phase Life-Transformation.”

The description, although flowery, may actually reflect what it does, even if others who read it don’t exactly know what it means.

Is This for My Highest Good?

Since finding and following our spiritual path is our heart’s passion, we may jump at the opportunity to take this spiritual course without first checking with our Higher Guidance to see if it is right for us.  Obviously, we will want to know whether it is for our highest good before we sign up for the course.

So, how precisely do we do determine if a particular spiritual path, course, etc., is one we should pursue?

What Should I Do?

This is the point where it can be difficult to determine what we should do.  Because our Low Self, subconscious and emotional baggage can jump into our head and start talking, which can affect the clarity of guidance and information we receive from our guides, angels, Light Beings, and so on.

Seek a Spiritual Advisor?

For some, they may have a friend who is a trusted spiritual advisor, or perhaps they are part of an organization with an actual guru.  Others may have pretty good results using a pendulum, Tarot cards, and so forth.

These approaches may or may not work.  If they do, that’s great!  If not, consider our approach.

We Believe that Connection is the Key

All of this brings us back to our focus on Connection.  Having a strong spiritual connection with our High Self, guides, angels, and the Divine can really help guide us even when we are consciously unsure of what to do.

Strong Connection, Better Decisions

The stronger our spiritual connections the more naturally we are non-consciously led to choices that are best for us.  This is because so much of our spiritual guidance happens at the inner level where we are consciously unaware that we are receiving it.  We unknowingly make better decisions even when we feel that we don’t have a clue.

In short, at Shays Holistics we have noticed that those with a strong energetic connection to their Higher Guidance make better decisions by “accident” far more often than those who have a lesser connection.

Our Spiritual Approach Focuses on Connection to Your High Guidance

As my spiritual mentor said, our approach is deceptively simple, yet enormously spiritually transformative. 

No shiny objects here, only the spiritual connection to our Higher Guidance!

That is why most of our meditations at Shays Holistics focus on connecting you to your High Self, sometime loosely called our God self.  Many of the meditations also focus on activating a person’s unique connection with the Divine that each of us has, even if we don’t know it.

It is this spiritual connection that allows each of us to be cleared of emotional and energetic blocks by our guides, angels, i.e., our Higher Guidance.  It also creates and reinforces the energetic and communication channels with our spiritual-guidance entourage so that we can be silently directed in the moment.  Our non-conscious mind can be shepherded to the higher path, even when we are in the midst of indecision.

See if a Guided Meditation is Right for You!

Take a look at our numerous guided Monthly Meditations and see if one calls to you.  We know these uplift us in our spiritual path, we hope they may help you on yours.

We also offer a series of three powerfully transforming Illuminated Mind seminars.  Their focus is connecting each person to their Higher Guidance so they may be intuitively guided in all areas of their life, especially in their spiritual passions.

I think of it as, “The connection that leads me to all other connections in my life.”

This approach to our spiritual path has been life changing for us; perhaps it will be for you, too!

We hope we have contributed to helping you find your Soul’s High Path!

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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Future Lives in Other Times

“What we think of as past, present and future lives has more to do with the order in which we choose to experience our lifetimes, rather than the ongoing tick, tick, tick of time.”

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