The Nature of Our Consciousness

“As we become aware of how our consciousness is arranged, we automatically (non-consciously) make positive changes...”
Nature of Our Consciousness
Flowing Nature of Our Consciousness

Quick Review from Before

In our previous writings, we spoke of Spirit Attributes that make up the energies of who we are.  They create the uniqueness of our being that make each of us incredibly special!

Later, we wrote at length about Emotional Baggage to help us see that what may seem to be a notable personality flaw, is really just a bump in the road of our life, if we can understand what is happening within us.

We have mentioned before that there are easy solutions to releasing old patterns (emotional baggage) and replacing them with those of our more divine nature, i.e., High Self.  They are simple to do and only require our inner desire for change.

Just a Little Bit More??

With that said, could knowing just a little bit more about our own inner nature help us to not make the same mistakes over and over?  Could it help us be more like our “real” self, by releasing old beliefs and behaviors picked up during childhood?  We believe the answer is a resounding, yes!

Double Blind Studies

Just think about why marketers, psychologists and scientists perform double blind studies.  That is, where neither the researchers nor those being studied know whether they are part of the actual experiment or the test group.

Because research scientists have learned that the moment we know what is being done, our behavior changes.  Our knowledge of the “test” short circuits the process.

The same is true in our spiritual life.

As we become aware of how our consciousness is arranged, we automatically (non-consciously) make positive changes where we were unable to do so before.

With that in mind, let’s go over a few basics about the nature of our consciousness.

The Three Levels of Our Consciousness

There are three levels of consciousness within us.  They are the Low, Middle and High Self, according to the famous psychologist, Carl Jung.

The High Self is our connection to the Divine (God) and Superconscious mind, sometimes loosely referred to as our God-self.  It is part of our Higher Guidance, along with our guides, the angels and other light beings who silently help us navigate our life.  Together, they protect us from taking lesser lifepaths and sometimes keep us from making profoundly poor decisions.

Next is the Middle Self.  It is where we live the vast majority of the time.  For most people, this is the real “me” they know.  This is our waking conscious mind and our connection to the outer world and other people.  For some, this is the only level of consciousness they will accept as being “real”.

Lastly, there is the Low Self, which is also the domain of our subconscious.  It is also referred to as the Child Self.  We sometimes refer to it as the Little Child within us.  It governs emotions, memories, habits and is the home of our beliefs.  It is also where leftover attitudes, beliefs and behaviors from our past lives reside.

Brainwave States

Along with these three levels of our consciousness are the brainwave states that come along with them.  They operate in a range of frequencies from about 4 – 21 hertz, or cycles per second.  They are the Beta, Alpha and Theta brainwave states (we’ll leave Delta and Gamma out for now).

The Beta state is associated with our waking mind, Alpha is associated with daydreaming and flights of fancy, and Theta is associated with deep sleep, deep meditation and the level of hypnosis.

Until around the age of seven, our brains operate in the Theta state.  Just like being in deep hypnosis, children are absorbing everything they hear, see and experience around them.  They are like little sponges.

Whether their life experiences and role models are positive or negative, they are soaking it all in.  Later on, these experiences become the basis for the patterns of their own lives.  (Interestingly, we chose this family situation for this life.)

Our Attitudes Formed During Early Youth

That is why by the age of 8 children have acquired up to 80 percent of their basic attitudes and habits.  It has been programmed into them by their family, friends and society, plus what they brought in with them from previous lives (past life baggage).

Domain of Limiting Beliefs

The subconscious is also mainly negative.  Although it can just as easily be filled with positive, uplifting attitudes, that is generally not the case.  For most people, the subconscious is imbued with limiting beliefs and restrictive programming.  Our fears are buried there, as well.

For example, children who grew up with parents that routinely criticized or neglected them can suffer from low self-image/esteem.  They often experience lifelong challenges with intimate relationships, attaining success and achievement in the workplace.  They also may have emotionally disharmonious relationships with their parents throughout their life.

Unless they choose to change, these children will frequently continue to seek their parent’s approval at the cost of their own higher good.  They likely will be reluctant, or unable, to speak their truth to their parents, and other authority figures.

Subconscious Like Software

Now the subconsciousness’ role is to enforce these beliefs and programming.  It is not concerned about whether or not these beliefs and attitudes make us happy or sad, empower or sabotage us, keep us healthy or unwell — it is just doing its job.  This is where it can act like software within our being.  (See the Emotional Baggage posts for more details on subconscious software.)

Our Beliefs and Programming Can Be Changed

With all of this in mind, the subconscious is not all-powerful.

In fact, it is a paper tiger!

Our subconscious is very susceptible to suggestions and reprogramming, if approached on its own level.  This is where meditation and self-programming can help.  We meditate at the Alpha and Theta states, which is where the subconscious lives and breathes.  Releasing old attitudes and replacing them with positive ones can happen far more rapidly, and effortlessly, in meditation.

Watch Our Self-Talk

Even in our conscious, waking state, our subconscious also listens to the words we speak and the voice in our head.

If we consistently use words that affirm and reinforce our more noble characteristics, over time, we will magnetize those things and dissolve the negative beliefs, behaviors and experiences.

On the other hand, if we say words that give energy and power to our lesser beliefs and behaviors (habits), those will be reinforced instead.

Thoughts and Words are Powerful

With this in mind, most people do not pay attention to their own words as they go about their day.  Therefore, they (automatically) say words that repeat the lesser thoughts, emotions and attitudes of their personality, left over from their childhood and past lives.  They speak of themselves restrictively and negatively, reinforcing the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors they don’t even like.

Let’s change that, shall we!

Affirming Words Dissolves Old Patterns

Even at the conscious level, if we deliberately say words that speak of our true nature, even when those don’t reflect what we actually do, in time, our subconscious will dissolve the old beliefs and behaviors and replace them with those of our true nature.  We just have to consistently stick with it for a prolonged period, like a year or two.

With that said, meditation and visualization make this process happen much faster – and easier!

Meditation, Visualization, Self-Programming and Hypnosis

An example of releasing and reprogramming happens during meditation, even visualization.  Hypnosis also works, if done properly.

Professional athletes, NASA astronauts and high-end business professionals use meditation and visualization to release old restrictive beliefs and childhood programming in favor of ones that reflect their true abilities and potential.  Olympic athletes have been using this for decades.

This isn’t an academic point, either.  The ability to shape our subconscious to match the nature of our true self (High Self) is incredible!  For example, I once watched an educational special about the power of the subconscious.

A person was brought into a deep hypnosis (Theta brainwave state), just like in deep meditation.  The hypnotist gently pulled the top skin of the person’s hand into a fold.  A thin surgically sterilized needle was then pushed through the fold, but the person was told to feel no pain.  The needle was then pulled out leaving two pinholes in the skin, side by side.

The hypnotist then told the person not to bleed at all, and each pinhole remained dry.  Then he told the person to bleed out of the left pinhole, but not the right.  And it happened.  Thereafter, he told the person to bleed out of the right pinhole, but not the left.  Again, that occurred.

That is an example of the power of the subconscious!  The beliefs and subconscious programming from our early childhood and past lives can and do affect the unfoldment of events in our life.  Very importantly, we have the power to change them to reflect who we really are as Divine creations!

Our Guided Meditations

Many of our Monthly Meditations focus on connecting to our High Self and true nature and releasing and dissolving restrictive and discordant subconscious beliefs and behaviors.

The Shifting Our Perspective meditation is an excellent way to connect with our High Self and true nature, while releasing our lesser beliefs and sending them into the light.  This happens effortlessly by just doing the meditation.

Spiritual Seminars

Another way is through our spiritually-focused meditation seminars.  One of the first meditations we do early on in our Intuitive Mastery seminar is to release our limiting beliefs.  We work on removing negative beliefs and replacing them with affirming, uplifting ones that reflect our true nature.  During the seminar, along with a variety of wonderful skills, we teach everyone powerful techniques to do this reprogramming for themselves.  We show each person how to harness their own spiritual nature to sculpture their lives to their highest ideal.  The beauty is that these techniques are easy to learn and powerfully transformative!

Change Has Already Begun

By merely reading this writing, you have already gained insights that your inner consciousness will use to help you to connect to the nature of your true self and release those beliefs and behaviors that do not serve your highest good.

Just like knowing what the “test” is during a scientific study, you now know more about the nature of your consciousness and will naturally (intuitively) use these insights to move closer to your life goals!

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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