Using Intuition

“Intuition is Possibility Thinking!”
Trust Intuition
Trust Intuition

Intention & Intuition

We often speak of the power of Intention.  Using our intention can set our life path in motion toward our most sought-after goals and dreams.  The same is true of Intuition.

We Ignore Intuition

Most people ignore their Intuition in favor of their human brain and thinking.  However, our thinking is often inhibited by its connection with our Low Self’s and ego’s limited reservoir of possible options available to them in any given situation we face.  It’s like using the rearview mirror to chart our navigational choices to the next destination.

Lesser Thinking

Quite often, our thinking is really “lesser thinking.”  Decisions made from our lesser thinking may turn out just fine, but usually with the same drab, predictable results.

Is that what we want?  Sometimes, but not always…

Intuition is Unlimited

On the other hand, the power of Intuition is unlimited, and its reservoir of possible options is limitless.  Its source is the Divine (any aspect of God), our High Self and the unfathomable reaches of the higher etheric realm(s).

The options that Intuition provides are not restricted to those myopic set of choices that we routinely choose from to make decision or select a new course in life.  It can pull a brand-new rabbit out of the hat of Universal possibilities.

Like a Mega-Supercomputer

In earthly terms, tapping into our Intuition is like using the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) of a mega-supercomputer to reveal all the possible options so that we can pursue the best one available.

Intuition is Possibility Thinking!

Choices made from Intuition can provide results that “Exceed our wildest expectations and dreams!”

Let Intuition Guide Our Intention

Ideally in life, our intention should be fed from the boundless possibilities to which Intuition guides us.  We merely have to open our minds to hear the sanguine, uplifting calling and follow our intuitive heart.

How Do We Do That?

Simple, right?  Except, how do we do that, exactly?

The Practical First, The Experiential Next

First, we’ll share some activities that naturally develop our spiritual Intuition.

Then, we can talk more about what our Intuition feels/senses like within ourselves, and with our inner connection with our Higher Guidance.


One of the easiest ways to grow our Intuition is by meditating daily.  That helps connect our inner, non-conscious self to our High Self, guides, angels, and the Divine (again, our shorthand for any aspect of God).

Over time, meditation causes our mind, emotions, energetic bodies (and many aspects of our being) to harmonize with our Higher Guidance and the infinite resources they can provide us in any situation or decision we have in life. 

Intuition starts showing up without our having to do anything else but meditate.

Choose What is Right for You

Use whatever form of meditation you prefer; they all work well!  A simple internet search will provide us with many choices, as well as the information and instructional videos and courses needed to do them.  Vipassana meditation is one of the simplest, and powerful!

The selection of a meditation technique is like anything else in life, our choice should reflect who we are.  After some time, we may find that we are ready to move onto other meditative methods that offer us greater possibilities as we grow spiritually.

Use Guided Meditations Instead

With that said, some of us may not be ready to commit to the time and effort required to learn a new meditation technique – at least not at first.

We may want to do a short-term test drive to see if meditation is something that is right for us.

In that case, we can listen to guided meditations on topics that interest us.  There are many spiritual sites on the internet that provide a variety of guided meditations.  We just have to find the ones that resonate with who we are, and how we are.

Our Meditations & Seminars

Shays Holistics offers many Monthly Meditations on a variety of topics and spiritual focuses.  In fact, many of the people who attend our in-person monthly meditations locally often listen to them again at home.

Another option is our Intuitive Mastery seminar, which is just that – Intuitive Mastery.  It is a three-day spiritual and energetic immersion that allows your guides, the angels and Higher Guidance to take your being’s spiritual connection from where you are and develop it upward to the level of enhanced energetic connection that you are ready for right now!

Although overused, many students experience a quantum leap in their spiritual abilities and Intuition.

Spiritual Connection is Our Focus and Intention

Regardless of the meditation topic, ALL of our guided meditations are based upon fostering your being’s connection to your High Self, guides and angels, as well as the Divine.  That spiritual intention is imbued within every meditation, sound shower, chant, or music video we are guided to create.

Each has a Unique Connection to the Divine

Why?  We know that every being and person in Creation has a unique connection, or relationship, to the Divine.

Because no two people in Creation have the same relationship to their Higher Guidance, the spiritual connection and communication each of us has will be at least a little different than it is for someone else.

Cart Before the Horse?

For those who are new to all of this, it may take some time for their spiritual Intuition to be recognizable in their daily life.

Yet, knowing what Intuition looks and feels like ahead of time can be beneficial once our Intuition manifests in our life, which it will!

How Does Intuition Feel?

Once our Intuitive facility has begun to be developed, what does it look and feel like?

Well, that’s like asking someone what does beauty look like; because it is an individual perception and experience.  Just like our spiritual connection with the Divine, no two people will have exactly the same perception.

Heavenly Intuition

However, there are some characteristics that can help us separate our brain’s thinking, Low Self and ego talk from our higher spiritual Intuition.

Our Intuition can come from our feeling nature as well as our mental facility, or both.

The inner voice, message or thought is…

  • Subtle, quiet
  • Light and airy, like a whisper
  • Felt in our heart, like an inspiration
  • Unexpectedly heard; often received from someone / somewhere else — like a TV or radio commercial, magazine, newspaper, etc.
  • Like an “Aha” moment, that catches us unexpectedly
  • Uplifting and joyful
  • Devoid of any sense of obligation, dread, negativity, etc., if we choose not to follow its guidance

Our Brain’s Thinking, Low Self and Ego

By contrast, let’s talk about when the voice, thought or inner message comes from our brain’s thinking, Low Self and ego.  The voice, thought or message is often…

  • Loud, heavy… words that feel like they’re made of lead
  • Received along with negative emotions, even if slight
  • Felt as stress, tension, in our lower abdomen, or in other body muscles, i.e., neck, back, etc.
  • Associated with raising of our blood pressure, causing a headache
  • Coupled with anger, jealousy, envy, resentment, sorrow, etc., after receiving it
  • Linked with a feeling/sense of dread, impending doom, obligation, fear and negative emotions, even if slight, if we do not follow the inner guidance

Our Inner Intuition Language

Clearly, each of us will have our own unique inner inspirational thoughts, feelings and experiences when our Intuition is communicating with us, as well as when our brain’s thinking, our Low Self and ego communicate in their language.

Just like getting in shape, the more we listen to our Intuition, the easier it is for us to recognize its way of inwardly communicating to/with us, and how it “feels.”

Intuition Becomes Our Companion

The lesser voice of our brain’s thinking, our Low Self and ego will become increasingly obvious, as they are heavy and restricting while Intuition is light, uplifting, and free of any obligation to follow it.

Soon, our Intuition will become our trusted companion to guide us in every situation in our life, big and small alike.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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