Untangling the Energetic Threads of Our Life

“After a short session, each person who visited this gifted lady found their life changed, sometimes dramatically.”
Energetic Threads of color

(Introduction Portion of Meditation)

Incoming Energies for our Soul Group and Earth

We have often spoken about the incoming energies pouring forth upon the planet, raising the frequency of both Mother Earth and all of those upon the earth.  That was part of the focus of our Monthly Meditation, Merging with Mother Earth, the Essence of Gaia.

These inflowing energies bring us closer to our connection with the incoming New Dimension, and our planet closer to the frequencies and dimension of the New Earth.

With that said, there are many different types of energies pouring in simultaneously, each focused on a different facet of humankind’s spiritual evolution and growth, yet all interrelated to our individual and collective upward spiritual journey of our earthly soul group.

The same is true of the inpouring earth energies raising the frequency of this planet.  Some energies are more focused for the inner earth and core, and others are finely tuned to help with the earth’s crust.  Some energies are attuned to waters of the oceans.  Still, others are for the fairies and energetic nature spirits so they, too, may better do their part in tending to Mother Earth.  And on and on.

All of these incoming energies from the higher dimensions are perfectly aligned and tuned, harmoniously achieving their Divine purposes.  The Universe and Mother Earth each respond effortlessly to these incoming energies for the highest good.

Now, these incoming energies that are pouring forth upon soul group also dovetail into the energetic threads of our individual life, because each of us is part of the soul group.

Energetic Life Threads

With that said, the perfect harmony and alignment of the incoming Soul Group and earthly energies is not always the experience we have with the energy threads of our life.

Our interaction and response to the energetic or energy threads of our life is sometimes affected by the challenges we face in life, i.e., our own lesser beliefs and emotional baggage.

Just like Mother Earth, each of us has numerous simultaneous threads of energies operating in our daily life.  Some are associated with our many relationships, others with our occupational focus, some with our social endeavors and hobbies.  There are several other threads affecting life activities that we may not even think about.

The number of energetic threads operating in our life in this way are extensive.  They are also naturally intertwined with one another, sometimes to the point of being entangled because of our life challenges.

These energetic-thread entanglements can cause us to become inhibited, remain overly engaged with mental and emotional focuses, as well as activities, occupations, relationships, and so on, that do not serve our highest good.  They may not even be of interest to us.

Curiously, we may be fully aware of this situation, yet unable to figure out how to change it.

Untangling Energetic Life Threads

With this in mind, years ago there was an older lady in Germany who was a gifted spiritual practitioner with a unique skill.

People would come from all over the world just to see her.  The waiting list to have an appointment was over a year long.

She would untangle the energetic life threads of each person who came to her for a session.

She would clear a person’s old energetic life threads that were no longer needed and untangle the remaining ones.  When she had finished, the energetic threads of a person’s life were in far better harmony with the energies and higher pathways of their Life Plan.

After a short session, each person who visited this gifted lady found their life changed, sometimes dramatically. It is now time for us to untangle the energetics threads of our life, just as the spiritual German lady did years ago.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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