
Life Choices
“As we see there are real possibilities, then those possibilities become potential choices.”

Setting Intentions for the New Year!!
“The incredible potency of thought can shift the higher vibrations from the ethereal realm of our imagination and visualizations into the slower vibrations of matter of the Universe.”

The Christ Light
“When we fully embody the Christ Light within us and live from that Light, the things that we do in the world will be a spiritual expression of who we truly are.”

New State of Beingness
“Our old life is gone and our new life is here, as the old energetic patterns have given way to new, enhanced ones.”

Moving Forward
“Said another way, there is a lingering sense within us that things are not as they used to be.”

Your True Life
“What truly excites us is living in peace, harmony, connection and balance.”

The Temples of Heaven
“The numerous temples located throughout the heavenly kingdom are also places where we spend time working with our guides, angels, archangels, Light beings, and so on.”

Shifting to The New Reality
“Because all things are composed of energy, visualization can transform our current reality into The New Reality.”

Beyond the Crossroads
“…each of us has moved past the crossroads in our life and progressed into the next unfoldment of our life path — the exciting spiritual exploration that awaits us if only we will follow it.”

Spring Energies!
“Spring is a time of joy, busy activity, planning and endless possibilities.”

What Can’t You Live Without?
“These patterns often keep us from relishing in the very things that bring us true fulfillment, happiness and joy in a particular part of our life, possibly keeping us from experiencing our core-life happiness.”

Living a Heart-Centered Life
“The best way to see beyond the façade and outer trappings of those around us, is to see through the eyes of the heart – to live from our heart-center.”

Elevated Life Path Transitions Meditation
“This move toward enlightenment is paralleled with a state of worldly transition for both us and our soul group.”

Transcending the Earthly Existence
“When we actively experience the Transcendent Light, we can intuitively see and perceive Its presence in our life.”

The Gates of Heaven
“The pearly gates and glistening walls surrounding the Kingdom of Heaven are only the beginning of what exists in the spiritual panorama described in the bible.”

Mountaintop of Your Life
“In order to obtain a clear, unobscured perspective that we all seek in our life, it needs to come from both an elevated viewing point as well as an unbiased and unfiltered source.”

Wondrous Colors of the New Earth and Dimension
“Unlike on earth, the colors of the New Earth and Dimension saturate the nature of whatever they imbue.”

The New, Higher-level Earth Healing Energies
“Our being has a unique Soul tone and everything in our physical body has a tone or frequency associated with it.”

Living from the New, Higher-Level Earth Dimension
“Many spiritual devotees believe that the New Earth will arrive all-at-once, replacing our current physical and spiritual reality on our tiny globe.”

Living in Gratitude
“Living in gratitude cultivates a positive, uplifting flow in our lives.”

Source of Renewal
“Now, it is the nature of Spirit to bring about renewal; but we sometimes inhibit its ability to dwell in our lives because of our systems of beliefs.”

Living in Divine Joy
“The energies of our focus throughout the day bring forth those events that resonate with that focus.”

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By joining our community you will receive spiritual insights and encouragement that will help you grow spiritually so that you can live your life to the fullest! When you sign up, we will also send you our Attracting Higher Love AHEM PREMA Chant as a free gift.