The All-Seeing Eye

“There is nothing in Creation that is unperceived to the All-Seeing Eye.”
The All-Seeing Eye

(Introduction Portion of Meditation)

The Great Seal

Most of us have heard of the All-Seeing Eye.

There is one printed on the back of the one-dollar bill as part of the Great Seal.  It is thought of as a metaphorical image of the Mind’s Eye of God.

Upward Spiritual Exploration

During a meditation years ago, David encountered and merged with the All-Seeing Eye in a higher octave of the etheric plane.

Interestingly, this happened about two months into the upward exploration of the etheric realm on which The Father had sent him.

This turned out to be part of a major life transition, which was most certainly accelerated by the encounter with the All-Seeing.

Sees All Possible Viewpoints

Because the All-Seeing Eye is a manifested aspect of the Mind’s Eye of God, It has the ability to see and perceive all aspects of anything and everything in Creation, from any possible perceptual viewpoint or framework.

There is nothing in Creation that is unperceived to the All-Seeing Eye.

Expanding Our Perceptions

Now, for each of us to grow spiritually, it is imperative that we also expand our “ways of seeing things” beyond our current perceptual limitations, both literally and figuratively.

One of the quickest ways to achieve that growth in our perceptual abilities is to experience the All-Seeing Eye.

It will imbue and imprint Its vast perceptual facility into our mind and Mental body when we do.

This encounter can instantly expand us in unexpected and powerful ways.

Experiencing the All-Seeing Eye

As described in David’s book, Life Training and Communications of The Father, the experience with the All-Seeing Eye was overwhelming.  Here’s what he wrote after experiencing that merger:

“A moment later, unbelievable amounts of visual and conceptual information streamed into my consciousness, all the way to my physical brain.  My perceptions were overloaded beyond anything I had experienced before.  There is no possible way to describe it.  The best analogy would be that my mind tried to receive all the information about every aspect of the universe in a single second.  The only meditative and physical visual images I saw were tiny silver, white and black spots throughout my visual field, similar to a television turned to a non-existent broadcast channel.”

This experience instantly threw David out of the meditative state back to full waking consciousness.

Let’s Meet the All-Seeing Eye

Because each of us will perceive and experience the All-Seeing Eye uniquely, the only way to truly know about It is to personally have a connected encounter with Its perceptual omniscience.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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