Exhilarating Universe of the Spiritual
When we ventured into the exhilarating universe of the Spiritual, we left the journey of the masses into the sacred path of our true life. We left the world of limitation to pursue the limitless realm of our own spiritual nature and that of greater Creation.
Our Life Shifts
With this decision, we chose to shift our focus of the un-illuminated Low Self (lesser self) to connect with our enlightened, illuminated High Self. This is our being’s connection to the Divine (God), sometimes loosely called our God-self.
We became aware that we are not just these frail human bodies, but powerful energetic creatures, spiritual beings in a material world.
We Become Aware of the Hidden
The unseen spiritual and cosmic forces operating in the Universe were ours to learn about and utilize. There were principles and paradigms of the mystical life that, when absorbed, could be used to fashion and shape the unfoldment of our experiences.
We rapidly discovered the potency of our thoughts and how they mold the events of our lives.
Yet, even with these insights, it is easy to unknowingly continue to operate from the province of the lesser self while believing we are following our higher guidance.
Is This the Right Path?
We can find ourselves inadvertently following the inviting byroads and sideroads of our spiritual pursuits, as we meander toward our life goals. We can get caught up in the spiritual “shiny objects” of the moment rather than following our own specific higher guidance.
This is really easy to do while being confident that we are on the right track.
Accelerated Growth, Spiritual Renaissance
At the same time, it is important to recognize that humankind and the earth are currently in a period of accelerated energetic and spiritual growth, both as individuals and as an earthly soul group.
That is, we are in a period of a spiritual renaissance, as the frequency of the planet continues to spiral upward. It is accelerating the nature of our earthly experience — increasing the rate and intensity of events in the world.
Serendipitous Spiritual Timing
Spiritual timing is exquisitely ordered so as to seem random and innocent, for us individually as well as those across the globe.
Important Spiritual Mission
With that said, each of us was born into this life with a spiritual purpose. When the period of our spiritual calling comes, the time to engage in our true spiritual lifepath will be upon us.
When this happens, deviating from that vital path will not be allowed by our higher guidance, our High Self. Even our guides and angels will step in to right our ship of life.
When Our Life & Life Plan Are Not Aligned
For those whose life path isn’t aligned with their true spiritual calling — the ebb, flow and balance of their life can devolve into a cascading series of unfortunate events, one right after the other. Nothing can slow the burst of these debacles, like the outflowing of floodwaters of a raging river.
Surrender to Higher Guidance
In time, they reach the point of complete despondency. They are at their wits end. They have expended all their resources. An immense sense of failure and despair permeates their being.
With nowhere left to turn, they decide to admit defeat; for there is nothing left to do but give up. They let everything fall away.
This sense of surrender is felt on every part of their being, including the physical, emotional, mental and other energetic levels.
They recognize their shortcomings and know they cannot continue further by themselves.
Ask for Help…
It is at this point that they turn to a divine power greater than themselves and ask for help.
As improbable as it seemed earlier, astonishingly and miraculously, their prayer and plea for help is answered. The calamity has subsided and blue skies begin to appear again in their life.
Answers show up from nowhere. Problems that seemed implacable before suddenly become resolved all by themselves. Their situation improves and appealing opportunities make themselves known. There is now optimism about the future.
Invoke Universal Law
They have invoked a spiritual law: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8) and “Ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” (Matthew 21: 22).
In Spiritual Disciplines Throughout the World
The process of surrendering ourselves over to the Divine (God), to higher guidance is taught in spiritual disciplines and mystical teachings throughout the world. It is an essential step in our spiritual journey.
Permeates Entire Being
This surrender permeates their entire being and lesser self as they release all control and sovereignty to their higher guidance, their High Self and the Divine.
Prayers Answered, Burdens Lifted
The immediate reaction is almost always one of an instant sense of freedom as they feel the weight of the world has been lifted from them. An unbearable yoke has been removed from their neck.
There is a deep sense of joy and pervading feeling that all is well.
As they continue to relinquish control to their higher guidance, problems and challenges seem to miraculously resolve themselves. This happens in ways that were unseen and unexpected, and in a manner that is for the highest good of all.
Surrender, A Daily Choice
Surrender is a daily, even moment-to-moment, choice for us to allow our higher guidance to direct the energies of our lives.
Doesn’t Have to be Traumatic
Spiritual growth does not have to be dramatic or traumatic. If we can be receptive and look at the meaning of those things that occur in our lives, we can make wise and prudent choices, and avoid such turmoil.
However, when we refuse to listen and take heed of the happenings in our life, these discordant events occur in order to bring the Low Self (lesser self) under the guidance of the High Self.
Follow Our Higher Guidance
Knowing this, it is for our own highest good when we voluntarily turn over sovereignty of ourselves to our higher guidance (High Self). It is the divinity within us. This inner divinity then becomes the intrinsic force behind our decisions and everything we do.
Our life becomes simplified, loving and joyful as we remain under the authority of our higher guidance. We also increasingly grow and dwell in our own higher consciousness.