Spiritual Path Options and Jell-O
Sometimes we must choose. For many of us, the Universe and our higher guidance team have placed a number of life-path choices in front of us.
None of them seem particularly appealing, nor are any of the options especially undesirable. In fact, they may all be rather plain, like having to make a dessert choice from an assortment of flavorless colored Jell-O platters.
Although they all look different, basically they’re all the same. Just like the road sign picture in this article, every direction is equally unknown – no words.
Life Menu
Furthermore, it’s not the kind of “same” we were hoping for. We were looking for Awesome!, Thrilling!, Fun!, Engaging! and, of course, Fulfilling!, none of which appear to be on our life menu right now.
As we seek for our Higher Guidance to illuminate the best life path choice, this situation can be perplexing, even frustrating.
Why does this happen?
Just Tell Them…
Now, at first, I was going to provide a short list of causes. With a list, we can quickly see the choice that is most applicable to us. It’s easier.
Then, my Higher Guidance jumped in and said, “Just tell them the most common reason. You are aware of the cause.”
Well, here it is: Unknowingly, many of us have completed a phase of our spiritual growth.
Now, before we can move onward to the next chapter of our life, our Higher Guidance will require that we demonstrate those skills in the real world. Rather than telling us what to do, They will have us use our Intuition and Intention to choose, then navigate, one of the life path choices before us.
Let me explain…
Life Path and Learning
As we walk our life path of unfoldment, we cannot help but learn things along the way. It just happens.
Those on the spiritual path prefer to have their choices directed (shepherded) by Higher Guidance. They find that their learning happens more smoothly, rapidly and efficiently that way.
Onward and Upward
In the case of both groups, that is those who learn because life keeps happening to them and those who actively seek their highest life path, there comes a point when it is time to move onward and upward.
Learning Plateau
We have reached a learning, or life-event, plateau that we may not see or believe exists. In the long list of causes for our present worldly situations, a learning/life plateau isn’t one of them.
But it might be just that…
Time to Graduate
It’s time to graduate to the next level. We may not be aware of it, but we have absorbed and learned what was needed for this phase/step outlined in our Life Plan (the one we helped design before coming to earth). Interestingly, as our life path unfolds, we are often blind to certain areas of our own growth until we look back years later.
Silence is… Golden?
However, the Universe and our Higher Guidance know that we have grown! They are using Their own silence (not talking to us much) and our current life circumstances to prepare us to move on. (Also see Life-Event-Driven Divine Guidance article, for when we are unable to hear our guidance team.)
Class Project & Final Exam
Before we can graduate, we must show that we know the subject matter and can apply it. We are required to finish our class project and pass the final exam. By successfully completing the project and achieving a passing grade on the final test, we will have demonstrated our mastery of the topic.
Wait, It’s Due Tomorrow?
Just like in high school or college, the proverbial glue used on that project was still probably drying when we turned it in at the last possible moment. In other words, we put off completing it until we absolutely had to do so, or end up failing the class.
Well, many of us do that in life, as well, which bring us to the first sentence in this article, “Sometimes we must choose.”
Higher Energies, Accelerated Learning
First, everyone on earth right now chose these times to be here, in part, because of the accelerated growth that is possible. The spiritual energies inpouring upon the earth and everyone on the earth is raising their frequency higher and instilling spiritual growth.
Just as a cake naturally bakes in a hot oven, we naturally grow in a high-energy spiritual environment.
Spiritual Renaissance
We see this period as a spiritual renaissance, that includes positive growth for those who are ready and a bumpy ride for those who are not attuned to what is happening.
But even for those who actively seek their higher guidance, we can come to a point in our life where it appears that our spiritual guides have abandoned us and left us adrift at sea.
Our Situation is a Gift of Growth
In reality, our situation is quite the opposite. As mentioned above, many of us have unknowingly completed a phase of life-learning that now requires us to demonstrate that we can use those skills in the real world before moving onward. Sometimes, this requires a bit of faith and trust to take the next step.
Life Path Door A, B, or C?
One way for Them to do that is to provide us with two or more life path choices, any of which will serve as a way for us to demonstrate our actual higher level of growth.
Our higher guidance team put us in a situation where we must use our Intuition and Intention to choose one of those paths to follow. They will likely remain mostly silent so as not to interfere with our class project and final exam, while they quietly support us.
As we continue using our Intuition, we will naturally utilize (demonstrate) our new, finely-honed spiritual skills and growth as we proceed on whichever life path choice we made. These will be the very skills and growth we didn’t know we had gained.
Consider, how many times in life have we done something, then later thought, “Wow, I didn’t know I could do that?!” or “I didn’t realize that I knew anything about this, but I just did it!”
Higher Guidance Knows We Can
Our higher guidance team not only knows we can do “that,” but will actively put us in life situations that will make us use and demonstrate the growth we have unknowingly achieved in life.
Graduation in One Step
Plus, we will have completed the class project and final exam in one step!
We merely made a life path choice of our own, used our Intuition, then followed it through to its successful unfoldment.
That is why on our life path sojourn, “Sometimes we must choose.”
Service to Others, Humanity
The Divine and our higher guidance team will always help us. Occasionally that assistance comes in the form of making us use our spiritual faculties to help ourselves move onward and upward.
As a result, this allows us to be of increasing service to others and a greater servant to humanity!