Living Our Dreams

"Some of us are asking, “What is next in my life?”, “Why have my dreams not manifested?” or “Why do I feel stuck?”
'Dreams' sign in golden sky with clouds
Living our dreams -- Making them Reality

(Introduction Portion of Meditation)


We have all been experiencing many changes — physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Our old life is gone and our new life is here, as the old energetic patterns have given way to new, enhanced ones. 

Some of us are asking, “What is next in my life?”, “Why have my dreams not manifested?” or “Why do I feel stuck?”

Why Our Dreams Haven’t Manifested?

There are many reasons why our dreams are not unveiled themselves yet, but let’s just look at some of the most common reasons:  Concept of time, resistance, living in the future and fear of the unknown. 

Concept of Time

  • One of the reasons our dreams haven’t manifested is that some of us believe in the concept of time (past, present and future.)  This is a construct that we as humans have created. 
  • We can block dreams from showing up in the present because we believe they will come in the future, the someday that seems to never appear.


  • We have all heard the phrase “What we resist, persists.”  This is a Universal Law that affects our ability to manifest our dreams into our present reality.
  • When we resist, we are directing negative energy towards what we are resisting.  By resisting we are not allowing things to flow in our lives.
  • Resistance is created by our limiting beliefs, fears, or how we think things should be.
  • Sometimes when we have resistance to something, it could mean that we are getting further away from our life’s purpose.  When life is simple, easy and fun, it could indicate that we are going in the right direction fulfilling our life’s purpose.

Living in the Future

  • Some people always live in the future.  They are thinking and talking about their dreams rather than living as though they have already achieved them. 
  • We must live fully in the Eternal NOW to make our dreams come true, but we must also be mindful of what is for our highest good.  We may desire something that is not in the Divine Plan, and we find we are continually blocked in its manifestation; or if we do attain it, it brings only unhappiness and misfortune. 

Afraid of Doing New Things

  • Many people are afraid of doing new things, of stepping out of their comfort zone.  They are immobilized by the idea of doing something different, even though they are unhappy or unfilled in their life. 
  • We have a tendency of doing the same things over and over expecting things to be different. 

Things We Can Do

The following are some things that we can do to help manifest our dreams: 

  • We can bring our dreams into this present moment by visualizing and experiencing living our Dreams during meditation.  This is possible because the past, present and future are all occurring simultaneously, right now.  Our dreams that seem so far away in the future are already a reality for us!
  • Believe that our dreams have already been received.  When we believe we have already received our dreams, we are manifesting those dreams in the present and we are sending a message to the Universe that we believe in unlimited possibilities.  
  • Live in the Eternal NOW.  When we live in the Eternal NOW we become totally immersed in our life and open ourselves up to limitless possibilities, to new ways of being.  Living life from moment to moment is not just about doing, but about Being.  As we allow ourselves to just Be, things will begin to manifest (unfold) in our life that supports our spiritual journey, life plan. 
  • Flow with the Unfoldment (stop resisting).  When we stop resisting we allow things to flow into our life, which in turn, enables the Universe to manifest our dreams.  New opportunities will be presented; things will fall into place easily and effortlessly.
  • Learn to let go of the fears and limiting beliefs.  Trust and have faith that the Universe is always working towards what’s best for us.
  • Try new things, think in a different way and do things that bring us joy and fulfillment.
  • Spend time in the Silence.  This will keep us connected to the Eternal NOW.  In the Silence we will be able to hear that still voice (High Shelf) that is within us, our guides, and the Divine that provide guidance, wisdom and support.

As we live our life in the Eternal NOW, we will begin to see our dreams unfold before us, allowing us to experience the joy, peace and fulfillment that we are looking for in our life.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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