Living in Gratitude

“Living in gratitude cultivates a positive, uplifting flow in our lives.”
Living in Gratitude Image with words, Grateful, Blessed and thankfulness

(Introduction Portion of Meditation)

State of Happiness

Our experience of living in a spirit of gratitude contributes to our state of happiness and joy we feel each day, and is connected to abundance in our lives.

It is not about how much or how little we perceive that we have, but our genuine response of gratefulness to everything that surrounds us in our life each day. 

Grateful People & “Lucky” Things

Have you ever noticed how people who are appreciative for all they have in their lives seem to live more happily and abundantly — “lucky” things just seem to happen to them more often than to others.

We might ask, “Why is that?”

Connection with Source

The experience of living in gratitude is about our living in a connection with Source, the Divine spring from which each of us receives all that is in our lives; from our spiritual gifts, to our spouse, our children, friends, our home, our material possessions, to our job and the abundance that flows from all that we do.

Living in gratitude cultivates a positive, uplifting flow in our lives.

The Eyes of the Human Self

Yet, our human self can often focus upon and see what is missing rather than what is present around us.  We may compare our lives and situations to others, which is entirely unfair to both ourselves and to others, since each of us is unique.

We are Already Blessed

Living in gratitude, or being grateful, is a recognition that we are already blessed in so many ways that we may not recognize or that we dismiss as commonplace.

Magnetize Positive Situations

When we live in the energy and attitude of gratitude, we naturally open ourselves and magnetize a greater unfoldment of positive situations, of things and people into our experience that sustain and increase our level of joy, happiness and gratefulness.

Fruits of the Spirit

In turn, it opens the faucet of energetic flow that the Divine, our guides, angels and the Universe can use to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit and abundance in all forms, including love, happiness, joy, rewarding relationships as well as material increase and bounty.

Choose to Live in Gratitude!

When we recognize that the unfoldment in our daily life is related to the nature of our connection with gratitude, we can choose to live in it.

Living in gratitude is about our recognition of thankfulness in everything, everyone and all situations in our lives, for they all teach us what we came to learn.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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