(Introduction Portion of Meditation)
Highest Expression
Love is the highest expression of the Divine that we can experience.
Unconditional and Unlimited Divine Love expresses Itself beyond our ability to fully experience It while in human form.
Even for those entities who dwell exclusively in the higher etheric realms beyond the existence of forms, there are greater and greater experiences of Unconditional and Unlimited Love that they experience and personify through their exposure and immersion in this Love while on their sojourn toward Source.
Just as the Peace that is beyond all understanding becomes an increasing reality as we continue to grow in our connection with the Divine and all Creation, so does our experience of immersion of living in Divine Love as we avail ourselves to reunite with Love in the presence of the radiance of God while in deep reflection and meditation.
All of Moses’ being was transformed by standing in the presence of Yahweh. This is true for us, too.
Each time we connect with the Divine while in deep reflection, the ability of our being to more fully experience this “Love beyond all human experience” grows and permeates every thread of our being.
Each time we are in this glorious and wondrous presence of Divine Love, Its Radiance transforms us, from our High Self down to our feet, to be ever greater vessels and embodiments of that Divine Love.
Through this connection and flow of Divine Love, every level of our being, all of our chakras and the numerous meridian rivers of energy, radiate this exquisite luminosity of Divine Love that affects and changes all around us without our knowing.
We need do nothing but be and live in our connection with and as vessels of Divine Love to transform the world as humble hosts of Love, living in Love and as Love through our spiritual heart, while ever seeking greater immersion in, and experiences of, Love in Its endless aspects.