Living in Divine Joy

“The energies of our focus throughout the day bring forth those events that resonate with that focus.”
Children Playing in Water of a Stream

(Introduction Portion of Meditation)

These Are Challenging Times

We are living in challenging times.  Everywhere we look, there is discord and uncertainty.  We have been feeling the shifts and changes that are occurring energetically, as well as the physical changes that are happening on the Earth.


We all have a choice to make each and every day.  We can choose to live in Divine Joy (the joy that comes from the Divine) and rise above these challenging times, or we can be pulled into the discord and fear. 


So, what is joy?

  • The dictionary describes joy as:  A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
  • Some words that have the same meaning as joy:  Delight, joyfulness, rejoicing, exhilaration, bliss, ecstasy, and enjoyment.
  • Deepak Chopra describes joy as:  “Joy is a return to the deep harmony of body, mind, and spirit that was yours at birth and that can be yours again.  That openness to love, that capacity for wholeness with the world around you, is still within you.”

Deepest Spiritual Nature

Divine Joy is a divine quality of our true self, an experience of our deepest spiritual nature, it is our natural nature.  Divine Joy is connected with happiness and is living inside us.  All we have to do is shift our perspective and then touch it.

Expression of Joy

If you watch children playing you can see the full expression of joy.  They are their true selves, playing, laughing and finding wonder in everything around them.

Children are free from worry, limitations, expectations, restrictions, or fear.  They are creative, intuitive and naturally joyful. 

How to Live in Joy

How can we live in Divine Joy?

  • Laugh more and engage in activities that bring us joy.
  • Be grateful in every situation, even when it is not as we desire.
  • Cherish every aspect of our life.  Know that there is a solution for every challenge and that challenges are opportunities in disguise.
  • Release and let go of worries, limiting beliefs, expectations, restrictions, fears, or anything else that inhibits us from experiencing Divine Joy in our life.
  • Connect and spend time with our Little Child.
  • Watch children play and remember how joyful we were.
  • Become aware of the Divine Joy that is inside of us.
  • Realize that we are a co-creator with the Universe and that infinite energy and possibilities are available to us.

Our Focus, Our Reality

The energies of our focus throughout the day bring forth those events that resonate with that focus.

Even challenging circumstances take on a lighter, more optimistic outlook when we live in Divine Joy.

Higher Consciousness

As we live in Divine Joy, we begin to reach a higher consciousness.

Wishes Aligned with the Divine

At the highest levels of consciousness, all energy becomes available.  At that point, all of our wishes and desires are in alignment with the Divine.

We are then able to create with effortless ease and experience the spontaneous fulfillment of our desires.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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