Life Choices

“As we see there are real possibilities, then those possibilities become potential choices.”

(Excerpt taken from the Introduction portion of the Meditation)

Growth Beyond Our Knowing

For quite some time, our lives have been changing and shifting, sometimes far beyond our knowing and awareness.  We have let go of our old ways of being (friends, jobs, beliefs, behaviors, etc.) and have been experiencing new ways of being.

Our being’s frequency has also risen significantly, changing the very nature of how we interact in the world and with others.

As we have become more aware as well as awake, we have shifted upward into the next step, even the next phase of our spiritual path.

This shift has us questioning what are we to do next?  What choices do we have before us?

New Life Path Choices Create Possibilities

The life we are living now is a result of the choices we have made and the path we have followed.  Some of the old patterns are gone, leaving us to establish new connections and blueprints of living, creating opportunities and choices where they did not exist before.

With that in mind, as we see there are real possibilities, then those possibilities become potential choices. 

Opportunities or Roadblocks?

If we are unable to see possibilities, but perceive only roadblocks or limitations, we may believe that any new choice is impossible.  If we worry about making the wrong choice, we hinder our spiritual growth and the movement of our spiritual energy.  If we make a choice that doesn’t allow us to learn a specific life lesson, another opportunity (choice) will be provided from the Divine.  In other words, it is comforting to know that there are no wrong choices.

There are many levels of choice and phases, and planes of awareness influencing choice:  Physical, emotional and spiritual – all of them are also energetic in nature.

Awareness and choice are also related to attitude.  Changing our attitude and being more open increases our level of awareness and affects our range of choices.

Changing our awareness and attitude also leads to transformed beliefs, new experiences, and more clarity about choice.  Knowing that new possible choices exist now that did not exist before, allows us greater clarity that may not have been possible just a short time ago.

How to Make Positive Life Choices

Things that we can do to help us make an inspired life choice:
  • Trust our intuition.  Using our intuition leads to choices becoming easier and clearer to make.  Intuition will lead us to situations that are in line with our life purpose and spiritual growth.
  • Trust our intuition.  Using our intuition leads to choices becoming easier and clearer to make.  Intuition will lead us to situations that are in line with our life purpose and spiritual growth.
  • Connect with our High Self and/or the Divine and ask what would be for our highest good.
  • Be specific about what we want in our life.  This will make it easier to select a choice that supports our life journey.  What do we really want in our life?  What is important to us?  What are we to learn in this life time?  What gives us that sense of fulfillment and brings us joy and passion for life?  There may be many more questions that need to be answered before making a choice.
  • Once we make a choice, turn it over to higher guidance and allow things to manifest and unfold in our life.  Let go, and allow the unfoldment to be that of Divine Will and not our preconceived notions of what should be or what we think is even possible.

    Explore Now!

    Now, let us go and explore the possibilities that await us.

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    Blessings, Light and Love,

    David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

    Awakening Divine Connections …

    Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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