How Does Emotional Baggage Work?

“The creation of energetic attachments is mostly event-driven as a result of our engaging with one or more of our subconscious beliefs.”
Struggling with Baggage is like Emotional Baggage
Struggling with baggage

(Author’s note:  This is the second post about emotional baggage.  If you haven’t already done so, we recommend reading the first article before starting on this one.)

Energetic Symbiosis

There is a symbiotic relationship between our subconscious beliefs and our emotional baggage (energetic attachments).  Because these subconscious beliefs play a direct role in creating energetic attachments, the two coexist and operate together.  They are energetically linked through their shared nature, like magnets.

Energetic Attachment Formation Process

To illustrate the symbiotic process, we will briefly discuss the formation of energetic attachments outlined in the What Is Emotional Baggage and How Is It Created? post.

The creation of energetic attachments is mostly event-driven as a result of our engaging with one or more of our subconscious beliefs.  Let me explain.

If we have a subconscious belief of unworthiness, as we go about our day, our moment-to-moment perceptions are naturally filtered (processed) through this belief, along with all of the others that we have.

These filters are with us most of the time, unless we avoid them by deliberately paying attention to our thinking and emotional processes.

As we move about our day, these filters can also cause us to self-sabotage while doing the activities of our life, especially when interacting with others.

For example, in a situation with a mixed group of people, the unworthiness belief-filter may cause us to say and do things that are embarrassing.  Or, trigger us to conduct ourselves in a way where we feel our image has been damaged.  Keep in mind, the subconscious was merely doing its job to enforce our belief of unworthiness.

Thus, our being’s energies were poured into this experience of unworthiness.  Within a short time, a new energetic attachment will have been created.  In fact, the initial beginnings of it could have been formed when the event first began to be played out with others in real life.  It may then become a program template, i.e., a model for subsequent like-events.

Additionally, this experience has been recorded by our being.  It is our own movie with all of the uncomfortable audio, video and emotions of each moment included.  In a similar future situation, the energetic attachment and the movie may become activated.

Soon after, we may feel a new uneasy fear about what happened.  It is usually felt in the abdomen area, where our first three chakras reside.  Again, these chakras are where the energies of the animal kingdom reside, anger, fear, jealously, sorrow, etc.  They are part of the world of Karma.

Symbiotic Connection

Our new emotional baggage will attach itself in the lower octaves (levels) of our being and remain connected, and protected, by the limiting subconscious belief which acts like its host.  This symbiotic relationship is very much like a fish that can safely hide in the poisonous tentacles of a sea anemone while other types of marine life are prone to become its food.

Because of this symbiosis, any subconscious belief will live in harmony (coherence) with whatever number of energetic attachments are linked to it as emotional baggage.  Together, they maintain their co-existence by acting as filters and software until they are released by us.

Emotional Baggage – Our Energetic Software

As mentioned previously, identity, form and the energies of our volition (will) essentially create emotional baggage.  Each energetic attachment has its own pseudo-consciousness and purpose.  This allows emotional baggage to act like its own autonomous software within us, like background programs operate in a computer.  Let me explain.

Operating Systems

Operating systems run numerous small software programs in background, called services in Windows.

There are also small pieces of software called drivers, that allow applications like Microsoft Word (MS-Word) to tell the printer what to do.  They also operate in background without our knowing they are there.

There can be 100s of services and numerous drivers operating quietly behind the scene, each adding some functionality to the Windows operating system.  They provide such things as printing services, communication with outside networks, and so on.

Our Consciousness

Similarly, our subconscious operates in the background of our overall consciousness.  All of the subconscious beliefs and energetic attachments that are located there, function beneath the level of our conscious awareness.  Just like the background services and drivers in Windows, they operate quietly, too.

Now, in our case, the background processes include these negative subconscious beliefs and emotional baggage.

Self-Inhibiting Attitudes and Behaviors

Negative subconscious beliefs and emotional baggage are our unhelpful drivers and services.  They are revealed through our self-inhibiting attitudes and behaviors.  This is where a computer and our subconscious beliefs and energetic attachments operate similarly.

The Subconscious Does What It Is Told

As eluded to earlier, the subconscious mind does what it is instructed to do, just like a computer.  It is also where our habits live.  It doesn’t concern itself with how it will impact our happiness, health or wellbeing.  It just enforces and carries out our subconscious beliefs, from simple to complex.

The Activation Process

Subconscious beliefs are activated when we enter (engage) in a life situation that is related to that belief.  Let’s use unworthiness, again.

Any situation, even within our minds, that applies to how the belief of unworthiness is “configured” within us, the subconscious will immediately funnel our perceptual facilities and behaviors to be in line with that belief.

Simultaneously, if we have an energetic attachment associated with this belief, this energetic software may become activated, too.  If there is more than one energetic attachment (energetic software) associated with unworthiness, they can also be activated.

Complex Interaction

This is where it can get really complicated.  Because in any given life situation, there can be multiple competing beliefs and several energetic attachments (software) that are active.  Each piece of energetic software may have elements of it that conflict with the other activated energetic attachments.  It is difficult to predict what will happen. 

At the conscious level, our active mind along with our emotions will have to sift through all of the conflicting incoming energies, thoughts, emotions and other impulses received from our subconscious beliefs and the energetic software (attachments) as the situation unfolds.  The confluence of energies within our being’s energy field will be dynamic, as our consciousness interacts (at many levels) with the consciousness of each piece of energetic software.

Life Situations

Many of us have had stressful occasions that caused our minds to be flooded with a variety of thoughts.  We may have felt several emotions all at once, some in direct conflict with one another.  Our energies may have been all over the place.  It is likely we experienced one of these complex events.

While the event is happening, we each can use our free will and seek our Higher Guidance to intervene, if we are open to it.  When we are open to our Higher Guidance, we can release these restricting beliefs and attachments.  We can connect with our higher nature to transcend the situation, seize the moment and move into closer connection with our true nature, our High Self.

Closing Thoughts

The subconscious is not all-powerful.  Our emotional baggage does not define us.  It can affect our attitudes and behaviors if we allow ourselves to flow through the day on autopilot.  Again, we have free will and our active connection to our Higher Guidance.

Each piece of insight brings us closer to seeing how our own subconscious beliefs and emotional baggage work.  We are getting a peek under the hood.

With this awareness, the ability of our subconscious beliefs and emotional baggage to affect us will diminish.  It is the beginning of something that will serve us well in this lifetime and beyond.

This is like someone administering a psychological assessment.  The moment we figure out what they are doing, the test is over because we know what they are looking for.

As we move beyond being influenced, sometimes controlled, by these hidden parts of our self — we are also in the process of releasing them from our life.

Upcoming Posts

Our next post (or two) will continue to build upon what has been covered.  We will…

  • Review Aka and energy cords — what they are and how they work
  • Examine emotional baggage layers, stuffing and threading
  • Look at how energetic attachments can affect our physical health
  • Show how all of these energetic phenomena work together as a system, and more…

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

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