How Do the Inpouring Energies Personally Affect Us?

“The Universe and our higher guidance can use this accelerated energetic environment to help us make a once-in-a-1000-year shift..."
Energetic Earth of Incoming Energies
Earth Immersed in Inpouring of Spiritual Energies

Inpouring Energies

We have talked about how the inpouring energies onto our planet are raising its frequency upward.  The same thing is happening to each person as a member of our earthly soul group.

The tidal flow of these incoming energies is increasing, not waning.

We Came Here Knowing All of This Would Happen

We came to earth knowing that we would be part of the shift upward into the 5th Dimension.  Some call it the incoming New Dimension.  It is occasionally referred to as the New Age, although that term seems to have become a bit dated.

Whether this shift is a physical one or merely a change in our consciousness and our being’s energetic connections is something each person must decide for them self.

Do These Energies Affect Our Daily Life?

How do these inpouring energies affect us in our daily life?  Some people ask me if there is any affect at all?

I believe the answer is a definite, yes, they affect us!

Deep Meditation States

Think of how much easier it is for the average new spiritual seeker to achieve a deep meditative Theta brainwave state (brain frequencies from 4-7 Hz).  This is the same level as sleep, hypnosis and dreaming.

When I took one of the Illuminated Minds Seminars back in the 1980s, it took most of us attending the course until the third day before we could reach that deep state, which would only last for a brief period before shifting back to the Alpha brainwave state (brain frequencies from 7–14 Hz).  This is the level of meditation, daydreaming and flights of fancy.

Nowadays, we have people who are part of our monthly meditation group routinely reach the Theta state the first time they meditate with us.  That was unheard of back in the 1970s and 80s.

So, what has changed?

Rising Frequencies

These inpouring energies have been slowly raising the frequency of the planet and everyone on it for decades.  This influx of higher frequency energies became very noticeable to me by the late 1980s.  It was clear that some the changes foretold by Edgar Cayce (aka the Sleeping Prophet) and many others were coming to pass.

The higher frequency energies support and foster our ability to connect to our higher guidance and the etheric realm, as well as allow us to achieve deeper meditative states, like Theta, more quickly and easily.

The Rate of Increase has Accelerated

With that said, the rate of these incoming energies has accelerated over time.  Most noticeably, in the past two years the rate of upward frequency shift of these incoming energies has continued to accelerate even more.

In fact, I have observed that in the past two months the frequency of the incoming energies onto our planet, and everyone on the planet, has shifted upward to a level equivalent to what it did over the previous one-year period.

No End in Sight

At present, there seems to be no end in sight for this upward-frequency trend.

These energies surround us, envelop us, permeate our bodies and beings.  We are like a sponge absorbing the higher frequency energetic waters of the environment around us.

These Energies Affect Our Ability to Navigate our Daily Life

For most people, this all happens without their conscious mind even being aware of it.  However, a lot of us are certainly feeling it!  And, it can affect our ability to navigate our daily life.

Imperceptible Living Environment

These frequencies form our invisible energetic living environment, raising the proverbial room temperature without most of us being aware of why we’re now sweating (emotionally and energetically speaking).  It affects our mental faculties, as well.

Rising Frequencies Like a Hot-Air Balloon

Over the past few years, my guides and the Divine have repeatedly shown me a vision of a hot air balloon with weighted sandbag ballasts attached to the outside of the basket where people ride.

The balloon represents us emotionally, spiritually, energetically, and even physically in some ways.

In that vision, as our being’s frequency raises upward (along with Mother Earth), this is like adding really hot air inside the large balloon.

The Balloon Goes Upward, Just as Our Frequency Raises

The balloon naturally goes upward, just as our being’s frequency instinctively raises with the incoming energies.

However, the attached bags of ballast inhibit the balloon’s upward ascent, causing stress and discord to the ascension process.

Since we are the balloon in this vision, the ballast bags are our emotional and energetic baggage that holds us back.  Because we are in accelerated times, our emotional baggage can cause us extra stress as we try to move forward in our life.

What is Energetic and Emotional Baggage?

Before we go further, it is important for us to define what we mean by emotional and energetic baggage.

For our purposes, when we speak of emotional and energetic baggage, we are talking about our unhelpful embedded beliefs, adverse and harmful habituated life patterns, attitudes (engrained perspectives), and ways of thinking, as well as early-life and past-life traumas, that have not been dealt with and/or released.

They are attached and “stored” energetically in our extended being and visible to psychics and some spiritual practitioners.

Patterns We Neither Want and Can’t Seem to Change

This baggage often keeps us locked in life patterns, attitudes and behaviors that we neither want nor know how to change.

Invisible to Our Conscious Awareness

They are like invisible stones and boulders in a river that force the waters to be rough and turbulent.  We see the turbulence (in our life), but are unable to identify what is causing it.

We Live in a Time of Spiritual Renaissance

Excitedly speaking, we dwell in times of accelerated energetic growth.  Truly, we are living in a period of spiritual renaissance created by these transformational energies!

Although we may not consciously know it, we chose to come during this tumultuous time so that we could maximize our spiritual growth.  We can achieve far more learning in one lifetime now than we could have in decades and centuries past.

Putting This Together – What Does This Mean to Me?

This fast-moving torrent of inpouring energies is meant to make our hot air balloon of life move upward quite rapidly.  When this happens, we may feel we’re on the road of our Soul’s High Path, which many of us are and may not be aware of it!

As we are flowing in the world with the rising tide of higher frequency energies, these energies will do one or more of the following…

  1. Quietly remove that energetic baggage as we emotionally let them go.  Our life will unfold in accordance with our Life Plan and our higher choices.
  2. Gently remove some emotional baggage, while our subconscious and Low Self cling to some aspects of it.

In this case, this baggage still gets released but is processed through our emotional body as it is jettisoned.  We may experience whatever negative emotions that were originally associated with that baggage as it is being released.  We are releasing and healing, but experiencing lower emotions as our “stuff” is dissipating.

  1. Be blocked by our Low Self, subconscious and possibly conscious awareness.  The incoming high-frequency energies may then cause unwanted emotions to surface and sometimes undesired events to manifest in one’s life.

Knowing whether we are mainly experiencing 1, 2, or 3 can help us know what to do.  It is very common to have all three of them happening at various points in our life. 

A brief explanation of each is provided next.

Knowledge is Personal and Spiritual Empowerment

Experience #1 above is the IDEAL.

We are flowing with our spiritual higher guidance and we are releasing old patterns, attitudes and behaviors (baggage) that no longer serves us.  We may not even know that it was there, only that one day we suddenly feel different about something or someone.  We are no longer angry about _____ or mad at so-and-so.

Our burden is miraculously lifted – all because we flowed with our higher guidance and allowed the incoming energies to clear away our emotional baggage.  Our emotional and spiritual wounds are healed and all is well!

Experience #2 is still really good because the baggage will be released, just over time!

This happens to a lot of people.  We let go of some baggage but hold on to other related parts of it.  It still gets released but we process the old “stuff” through our energetic bodies.

When this happens, we may experience the emotions associated with the energetic baggage as it is being released over time during this healing process.  Sadness, anger, frustration, despair, confusion, etc., are commonly experienced as the emotional baggage is dissipating.

Energetically sensitive people sometimes also experience the physical pain in their body associated with the trauma linked to the emotional baggage, as it is released.  Past life injuries, ones that included physical confrontations, etc., may be experienced physically in the present while being released and healed

Experience #3 is less desired, but there are real solutions!

There are a lot of reason this occurs, and it can happen to any of us from time to time.

The intensity of the high frequency energies being blocked turns up the mental and emotional volume in a person’s life; we’re really feeling it!

Depending upon a person’s own level of internal awareness, interpersonal and life skills, family support, etc., they may act out with strong negative emotions and with some level of mental irrationality.

Stated plainly, our buttons may be getting intensely pushed to the point where we feel that we can no longer process the associated emotions, beliefs, attitudes, traumas, etc., of the emotional baggage.

If you are experiencing this right now, we offer some easy-to-do solutions at the bottom of this post.  Please trust me and know this intensity and these feelings will pass.

A Once-In-A-1000-Year Shift

Sometimes, an event like this becomes the catalyst that shifts someone fully into living their true spiritual life, after lifetimes of slow growth and immobility.

The Universe and our higher guidance can use this accelerated energetic environment to help us make a once-in-a-1000-year shift; one not possible for us in previous lifetimes!

Although it may not seem like it, these experiences are a gigantic Divine Blessing that we will look back at this time as when our life changed and we were put on the fast spiritual track to our Soul’s High Path

I have known more than a few people who now feel blessed from an event, or events, that at the time felt to be anything but a blessing.

Here are Some Things that can Help Right Now!!

Here are a few things that can help connect us with our higher guidance and clear away unwanted energetic encumbrances:

  • Stay Grounded and Connected to Your Higher Guidance.  Debra has a wonderful short grounding video (8-1/2 minutes) that helps with optimal health and spiritual wellbeing.  It is called the Grounding Chakra Exercise.  It is simple yet powerful, as it helps keep our being’s energies flowing properly and allows blocks to clear each time we do it.
  • Meditate.  We have numerous helpful guided meditations.  Try Shifting Our Perspective or Living a Heart-Centered Life Monthly Meditation, as both are wonderful for clearing, aligning and connecting with our higher guidance for peace, calm, serenity and love.
  • Chants Help Attune Our Minds and Spirit to our Higher Guidance.  Listen to Debra’s Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha chant.  This chant is a salutation to the Golden Cosmic Self and helps us to connect with the Being of God.  It is soothing!

We also offer three powerful Illuminated Mind Seminars that are life transforming!  They changed our lives forever, that’s why we teach them!  They are Intuitive Mastery, Illumination and Transformation seminars!

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

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