Feeling Discombobulated in the Light

“… you are feeling the insecurities, unsettledness and fears of others, both personally and those that permeate society.”
Discombobulated and Confused Lion
Discombobulated and Confused Lion?!?

Spiritual and Caring

It goes without saying that most who read our articles are at least a little spiritually inclined.  In fact, it is more than likely that your spiritual connection guides you and defines the very nature of your life and who you are!

Each day is another step in our sojourn of our life, our soul’s inner pursuit toward Divine connection in heart-centered love, fulfillment and enlightenment.  A pursuit that we happily share with others in kindred caring to help them better navigate their life path.

Spiritually Guided, Yet Unsettled

Here we are walking our life’s path led by the angels, our guides and our connection with the Divine (God), and yet things may feel like they are in a bit of disarray.  It’s not that they are, but energetically speaking, we may feel a little unsettled even while basking in the Light of our higher guidance.

Why is that?

There can more than a few reasons.  We’ll look at two related ones that are dominant in our world right now.

Spiritual People are Sensitive

First, let me state the obvious.  Spiritual people, by their very nature are sensitive — really sensitive! 

We are energetically plugged-in, wired in our connection to the energies of the Universe, to our soul group and to our surroundings, as well as being deeply aware of those around us.

Chaotic Energies of Society

If we’re not paying attention, we can be unduly affected by the chaotic energies manifesting in society right now, including those of our extended family and friends.

Even if our own life is running smoothly, we can be keenly sensitive to the energies of uncertainty (insecurity), sorrow, anger, frustration and the like being felt and expressed, energetically, by others.

Lower Chakra Energies

This is especially true with the lower energies that operate the frequencies of our first three chakras. 

These first three chakras include the human animal-level energies of survival, security and grounding; lower emotions, sexuality, vitality and power (dominance).

Hidden Energetic Communications and Aka Cords

A great deal of our communication between people, both actively and passively, comes through the interaction of energy of our first three chakras with theirs.  These interactions can create energy or Aka cord connections.  Aka cords are formed from others’ lower three chakras to ours when they feel insecure or troubled, as discussed earlier.

They can be created by those who you come into regular contact, whether in person, on the phone, on a Zoom call, even in a chat session.  Close proximity isn’t required (we will share a method to clear them near the end of this writing).

In Calm Times…

In calm times, most people keep their lower emotions a little more curtailed and subdued.  However, with the turbulence happening in many people’s lives right now, they find themselves energetically and emotionally ungrounded.  This causes their lesser nature to become more dominant, and the energies of their lower three chakras to become increasingly outwardly expressive, shall we say.

You Are Feeling Their Energies

In short, you are feeling the insecurities, unsettledness and fears of others, both personally and those that permeate society.

At the personal level, we experience the energies of others created by Aka cord connections with one or more person, sometimes friends, family, coworkers and acquaintances.

Even in the absence of Aka cords, due to our sensitivity many of us are feeling these same energies as they swirl around in society.  They are created by the collective energies of our soul group, or those of the general population.  Because of the intensity, these energies of society can be like a light mist or fog, where they surround us in our daily energetic environment making us feel them like they were our own.  But they’re not…

So, what can we do?

Two Solutions

Below are two exercises to help disconnect you from these unsettled energies, so you may remain positive, centered, grounded, and connected to your higher guidance.

Clearing Aka Cords Exercise

Again, these energetic connections are formed through casual and personal contact with others.

  • First, notice where on your body you feel these uncomfortable energy connections.  You may feel that your abdomen area is flip-flopping or experience pain somewhere in your body.  They are most often attached at our solar plexus, although Aka cords can originate from any of the lower three chakras to practically any place on our bodies.  If you don’t sense, see, or perceive them, that’s okay.  You will still be able to eliminate them!
  • Imagine that you have a flaming sword of white or golden light.  Any style of sword will do – whatever comes to you.
  • Next, ensure you have plenty of empty space around you with no other people or breakable objects nearby.
  • With your sword of light, both mentally and physically in the room, swing it with your arm and see the Aka cord severed.  Strike the same Aka cord more than once, if necessary.  This separates your energies with the person, or persons, with whom the Aka cords were connected.  Each receives back their own energies.  Continue for each perceived Aka cord.
  • Once complete, imagine the sword of light being absorbed in a flash of light or just disappearing.
  • Next, imagine a jump rope of white or golden light.  Both in your mind and in the room, hold this imaginary jump room and swing it around your body until you feel that all connections anywhere on your body have been severed.  Again, this frees both you and the other person of this burdensome connection.
  • See the imaginary jump rope absorbed in a flash of light or disappearing, like the sword.

You may continue on with the next exercise, which is recommended.

Grounding Chakra Exercise – A Divine Bubble of Protection

The Grounding Chakra exercise creates a bubble of protection and security around us, grounds us to Mother Earth and connects us to our higher guidance.  If you prefer, Debra has a wonderful Grounding Chakra Exercise video that guides you through this process.  It is also provided below:

  • Imagine a bubble of white light surrounding your entire body.  See it at the width of your aura, however big you perceive your aura to be.  See the bubble of white light all around you, above your head and going beneath your feet. 
  • See it, sense it, intend it, and the bubble of white light will form.  Intention alone will create the bubble, for those who do not see things visually.
  • White light is the color of protection.  It is the color of healing and the Christ light.  No energy or anything of a discordant nature can penetrate it.  The negative energy will be dissolved or just bounce off.
  • See the bubble of white light being fed from a shaft of light originating high above your head, from infinity.  See the white light flowing down through the shaft of light both filling your body and the bubble at the same time.  See the white light circulating around in the bubble and your body.
  • Next, imagine a thin layer of indigo blue on the outside of the bubble.  However thick you see that layer is what is right for you.  Indigo blue is known as the spiritual armor of light, and adds an extra layer of protection.
  • Then see, visualize, or intend that a shaft of light, at the width of your aura starting at the level of your heart, or heart chakra, goes downward past your feet and anchors in the center of the earth.  This grounds you to Mother Earth and provides a conduit for any negative energy to be swept into the center of the earth, neutralized and dissolved by Mother Earth, Gaia.
  • Again, using your intention or visualization, see beautiful Mother Earth energies flow up the shaft of light, going upward through your feet and legs and swirling around in your body.  This keeps you connected with Mother Earth energies, so you may remain focused and grounded throughout the day.
  • Once more, intend or visualize another shaft of light, at the width or your aura starting at the level of your heart, or heart chakra, going upward through your head, through the layers of your being, through the center of the Universe, finally anchoring in the center of Creation.  See it, visualize it, or intend it, and it will happen.
  • Now see a brilliant light coming down through the shaft from the center of Creation, downward through the center of the Universe, through the layers of your being.  See it come down through the crown chakra into your head and mix with the Mother Earth energies in the torso of your body.  Then see it flow down through your feet into Mother Earth.
  • This keeps you simultaneously connected to your higher guidance and the energies of the Divine.
  • As you remain open, this connection will protect and guide you each moment of your day.
  • This is the walk of the masters, remaining grounded to Mother Earth while remaining centered and connected to the energies, protected and supported by your higher guidance.

Centered and Grounded!

These two exercises are incredibly powerful and will allow you to remain connected to your own being’s energies and those of your higher guidance while remaining centered and grounded to Mother Earth so that you can conduct any of the affairs of your life, whether they be earthly or spiritual in nature.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

2 thoughts on “Feeling Discombobulated in the Light”

  1. What a perfectly timed post. I so appreciate your discerning of the current challenges and times we are currently living in. Thank you for reminding each of us that a momentary struggle is just that, momentary.

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