Expanding Our Awareness

“As our awareness expands, these dormant abilities are just waiting for us to discover them.”
Expanding the Awareness of Our Being

(Introduction Portion of Meditation)

Starting on Our Spiritual Adventure

When we first start to grow spiritually, one of our first steps in that adventure is to expand our awareness beyond those things of our immediate five senses.

As we are silently led by our Higher Guidance, we gain extended perceptions of our energetic and spiritual nature – a nature that is intertwined with all Creation.

Our First Unique Spiritual Experience

Most of us can clearly remember how it felt the first time we had our own unique spiritual experience. 

It was awesome!

Our Being Stretches and Matures

With each next stage of growth, our being matures and stretches a bit every time we are introduced to a new spiritual concept, meet a unique energetic being for the first time, or explore new mystical places and Spirit-scapes of beauty and wonder.

Our mere presence in an etheric plane, dimension, or realm, causes the energetic threads of our being to be enhanced.  As a result, the sphere of our being’s awareness is expanded outward, refined and heightened.  This is especially true when we visit newly-discovered, higher-level etheric planes.

Equally, the first time we are in the presence of a different kind of being, our spiritual awareness is made to grow in its breadth and the fineness of its perceptions.

This can happen when we are introduced to a previously unknown angelic form, a light being who possesses distinctive transformative energies, a magnificent Christed entity, or some other energetic being whose essence extends beyond our ability to fully perceive it.

Energetic Downloads and Upgrades to Our Being

In all cases during that initial contact, our meditative being becomes aware of, and open to, whatever that new experience, being, or place reveals to us, as well as the energies it exposes us to.

In turn, our being will naturally connect with and absorb, or download, any knowledge and energies associated with that experience.  In essence, each time we are exposed to new spiritual experiences, it is like installing an upgrade into our being’s operating system.

Ready for the Next Step of Growth

Within each stage of our growth, we reach the point where we are ready to expand the sphere of our being’s awareness outward and upward to its next natural step.

We can think of this growth as starting from our individual being flowing outwards in all directions to the many concentric rings of our unrevealed awareness that surrounds us.

In other words, we are far more connected and “wired” to extended Creation than we consciously know.

Our Being’s “Wiring” Connects us to Creation

Our being’s energetic threads, or “wiring,” connect us to our earthly family and friends, our community and nation, the planet, and the Universe.  It expands into the higher spiritual realms into infinite Creation beyond our present knowing.

Learning is Discovering What’s Already There

For that reason, as we extend our active awareness outwards through our own being’s “wiring,” we bring into our awareness new forms of esoteric knowledge, enhanced intuitive abilities and new methods of perception.

All of these previously unknown abilities and knowledge were already a part of us (our “wiring”), we just weren’t actively aware of them.

As our awareness expands, these dormant abilities are just waiting for us to discover them.  It’s like visiting an enchanting new country for the first time.  It’s always been there; we just didn’t know about it.

We Grow in Unexpected Ways

Additionally, we grow spiritually in many different ways at the same time as our awareness expands!  Because our being’s perceptual abilities are far greater than we can consciously comprehend, we continue to develop and mature even as we are unaware of that growth.

Each new spiritual exposure expands our awareness, activates dormant energetic threads (or wiring) of our being, and extends and enhances the awareness of our being’s threads that we are already using.

Grow in One Direction, Grow in All

As mentioned earlier, this sphere of our awareness surrounds us in all directions as it extends outwards into Creation.  As a result, as this sphere of awareness expands in one direction, it often causes it to expand in all directions (especially over time).

Therefore, one of the simplest ways for us to develop our being’s extended sphere of awareness is to go higher upwards into the etheric realm to see, experience and absorb what waits for us there.  As we do, our being’s awareness can simultaneously expand in other ways that we consciously know nothing about.

Spiritual Quickening

As we voluntarily take this step to increase our awareness, it helps us to grow more efficiently.  We do not have to wait for the Universe and Higher Guidance to use circumstances to move us forward on our spiritual trek.  We can engage with the growth that we are ready for now.  We call this “Spiritual quickening.”

This approach also has the benefit of allowing our lives to flow much more smoothly, so that we are not waiting for things to build up before we address them.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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