Energetic Connections and Spiritual Quickening

“These ongoing inner renovations of our being’s energetic thread-connections also cause us to quietly grow spiritually and energetically.”
Energetic Connections & Spiritual Quickening

(Excerpt taken from the Introduction and Procedures portion of the Meditation)

The Fog of this Period

Do you feel ungrounded and unconnected?  Many people feel like they are in a fog right now.  Nothing is as clear as it was before.

If you are feeling uneasy, insecure, anxious, sorrowful, bewildered, angry, frustrated, and so on, there may be good reasons for that.

It is happening to a significant portion of the world’s population at this time.

Energetic Transition

We are in a period of spiritual (energetic) transition, as our energetic bodies shift with the raising frequencies that are inpouring upon the earth.

These ever-changing energies affect our chakra system and the corresponding energetic bodies.  These bodies also have important energetic thread-connections to the etheric octaves (levels) and higher levels of our being.

Dissolving the Old, Linking to the New

The inflowing energies cause our energetic bodies to disconnect from old outdated connections while simultaneously making new, higher links into the etheric realm that are in-kind with these higher frequency energies.  New Mother Earth grounding connections are being made as well.

Incoming New Dimension

Whether we think of the inpouring energies as part of incoming new 4D or 5D Dimension, the New Age, the New Earth, etc., the result is the same.

It causes our energetic bodies to be in a continuous state of rebalancing and integration of these energies within our being.  We are in a constant state of growth and flux.

Quiet Spiritual Growth

These ongoing inner renovations of our being’s energetic thread-connections also cause us to quietly grow spiritually and energetically.

Conspiring for Our Highest Good

The Universe and the Divine (God) are always working for our highest good, even when it doesn’t feel that way.

We are in a period of spiritual renaissance that is accelerating our upward growth in ways that have not been seen since Atlantis, which was a very high frequency environment.

Spiritual Quickening!

This is what we at Shays Holistics call Spiritual Quickening.

Embrace the incoming energies that are there to accelerate our spiritual growth so that we may ultimately connect with and live from our true self, our High Self, dwelling in love, harmony, peace and joy… one step at a time.

During this Meditation…

  • You will be guided through a grounding and connecting exercise to create a bubble of light around your body and use shafts of light to connect you with Mother Earth and the Divine.
  • Together, the energetic bubble and shafts of light will naturally balance the energy levels and flows between all of the bodies as well as help keep the meridian lines flowing together, maintaining all these energy flows as a single system.
  • You will then connect with your High Self.
  • Old emotional, spiritual and behavioral baggage that no longer serves your highest good will fall away and be drawn to the center of the earth where it is transmuted into light.
  • All of your energetic bodies will be re-balanced to your High Self’s Light Body Template (our being’s DNA template). 
  • New, higher energetic thread-connections will be established along with enhanced grounding connections to Mother Earth.
  • You will connect with, then breathe through your heart chakra projecting your light out blessing everyone on the planet.
  • Then you will spend some time in silence experiencing the connection with your High Self, your new energetic connections and living from your heart center.

Experience Your Own Spiritual Quickening!

Enjoy the meditation, as you naturally growth energetically and mystically through Spiritual Quickening!

For More Details…

For more details about what happens during this meditation, we recommend reading the written article which this meditation was based upon — Feeling Ungrounded and Unconnected?

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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