Divine Sovereign Creator Beings

“With the creative power of our thoughts, we mold the essence of the Universe, transforming it into the slower vibrations of matter.”
Image of Two Hands Hold various plants of manifestation -- Divine Sovereign Creator Beings
The Hands of Divine Manifestation

(Introduction Portion of Meditation)


At the beginning of the new year is the perfect time to reflect on our life to assess where we are in regards to our life goals and spiritual journey.

New Energies are Flowing Upon the Earth

This is also the time when new energies are flowing upon the earth.  In the past, the energies have typically corresponded to a specific theme or message for that incoming year (i.e., Joy, peace, light, love, enlightenment, etc.)

Energies Like Potter’s Clay

This year the energies seem to have no specific theme or message, but are available to be molded like potter’s clay into whatever we desire for our life.

Claim Our Divine Sovereignty – Then Manifest

This is the year that we are to claim our Divine Sovereignty and be the creators that we truly are.

We are all amazing creators and have manifested all that we see around us – our job, relationships, emotions, material possessions, environment, our current life.

Because all things are composed of energy, visualization can transform our current life to our true life and physical reality.

Thoughts Mold the Essence of the Universe

With the creative power of our thoughts, we mold the essence of the Universe, transforming it into the slower vibrations of matter.

It is possible to create everything we could feasibly wish or desire.  The only limitations are our own expectations.

Let Go!

One of the things we can do to help us shift from our present life to a higher vision of our life is to let go of everything that inhibits us from experiencing that life.

Change will not happen if we do not let go of the limiting beliefs, thoughts, old patterns and attachments that are no longer beneficial to our life and our highest good.

If we continue to live our lives as we always have; to worry, think and plan, then we have not truly let go of the old beliefs, patterns and attachments of our current life.

Manifest Our New Life on Earth

As we release old patterns, it opens the space for us to set new intentions to fill it with those beliefs, patterns and focuses that create and manifest our new life here on earth, which will happen quite naturally.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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Life Choices

“As we see there are real possibilities, then those possibilities become potential choices.”

Golden Intentions - Image of meditating woman sitting in the middle of a golden archway.

Setting Intentions for the New Year!!

“The incredible potency of thought can shift the higher vibrations from the ethereal realm of our imagination and visualizations into the slower vibrations of matter of the Universe.”

Christ Light Candle, Ring and Star

The Christ Light

“When we fully embody the Christ Light within us and live from that Light, the things that we do in the world will be a spiritual expression of who we truly are.”

A Woman Meditating in a New State of Beingness

New State of Beingness

“Our old life is gone and our new life is here, as the old energetic patterns have given way to new, enhanced ones.”

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