Divine Feminine Energy Meditation

"We are beginning to awaken, our bodies are being upgraded, our DNA is changing, our Chrystalline Christ Bodies are being activated, emotional baggage is..."
Milky Way of the Divine Feminine Universe
Divine Feminine Universe

(Introduction Portion of Meditation)

Different from Others

Have you noticed that you have less in common nowadays with the general public?

Do you have trouble remembering things, when you shouldn’t?

Have you realized that the things that were once easy are now challenging for you?

Are you becoming aware that you don’t think the same way that you used to?

The Shift is Here

If you answered yes, you are not alone!

There is a big Shift happening right now, and as the Shift happens, we are shifting as well.

DNA is Changing

We are beginning to awaken, our bodies are being upgraded, our DNA is changing, our Chrystalline Christ Bodies are being activated, emotional baggage is coming up faster and faster to be acknowledged, healed and released.  Our brains are being re-wired and so much more is happening than we are aware of.

We Feel the Shifts

With all of this changing and upgrading, we may have physical challenges that we are dealing with, we may feel ungrounded, disconnected, frustrated, overwhelmed, or unclear as to what is next for us.

All is Well, Part of the Process

Just know, there is nothing wrong.  This is part of the process.  Our bodies are absorbing and integrating a tremendous amount of energy.  It may take some time for our bodies/brain to adjust and find that new balance.

Moment We’ve Waited For

For some of us, this is the moment we have been waiting for.  The awakening of humanity and shifting from the masculine energies (left brain) into the feminine energies (right brain).

Brain Being Rewired

Our brains are being re-wired so that we can operate from the Divine Feminine energies and our hearts.  This allows us to live from our High Self and Christ Body, and to know/feel that heart connection with all of Creation.

Connect with High Self, Sense of Peace

As we connect with our High Self and Christ Body and heart, we start to feel a sense of peace, that all is well in the Universe, and to feel the connection and Love from the Divine and Creation. 

Embracing the Divine Feminine Energies

How do we embrace these Divine Feminine energies and the re-wiring that is happening?

  • Acknowledge that it is okay that you don’t think or operate the way that you used to.
  • Be in the present moment and allow things to unfold.
  • Choose to release the emotional baggage that is coming up, see it effortlessly falling away.
  • Connect with your High Self and Heart Center every day. (Meditation or consciously connect).
  • Connect with your brain/mind and send it light and love.
  • Say the following affirmations:
  • I fully embrace the Divine Feminine energies of my being.
  • I am perfect and whole in every way.
  • I am peaceful, grounded, and living from my High Self, my Christ Self.
  • I am connected and at one with the Divine and all of Creation.

Higher Consciousness

As you embrace the Divine Feminine energies will be able to reach the higher levels of consciousness, to visit the highest realms and to balance all areas of your life.

Spiritual Journey

You will then be able to receive and interact with the incoming energies and to move forward with greater ease into your Christ Body and your spiritual journey upon the earth.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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