(Excerpt taken from the Introduction portion of the Meditation)
Sacred Creations!
The Divine loves to shower Its blessings upon us. We are God’s sacred creations, who are loved beyond any measure we can understand.
These blessings come in many forms. Sometimes we are given a new ability, healed of an emotional, spiritual or physical problem, meet that special person for our life, blessed with prosperity, receive earthly recognition, and so much more.
Blessings By What Didn’t Happen
Sometimes, blessings come in the form of what did not happen. When this occurs, our human self may see things through the lens of disappointment.
However, it is important to know that blessings often come in the way of keeping us from harm, dysfunctional situations and relationships.
This can steer us clear from short-term problems, and sometimes short-term gains, to allow us to fully realize the benefits and riches that awaits us as part of our soul’s high path.
Opposite of the Gifts We Seek
When we allow ourselves to get caught up in what didn’t occur and focus on how our earthly-level desires were not met in the way we wished or expected, we can inadvertently close ourselves from receiving the very gifts and benefits we seek — the storehouse of blessings that await each of us.
Thank Goodness!
Looking back on our lives, most of us can say, “Thank goodness I didn’t get that job, or marry that person, or move to that house, and so on,” because we know in retrospect that something so much better was awaiting us.
Our Spiritual Heritage
It is helpful for us to remember that each person, each being in Creation is a masterpiece sculpted by the hands of the Divine.
We need only to acknowledge our spiritual heritage in God to realize that we are beloved and cared for beyond our knowing. We are worthy of blessings by the mere fact that we are both creations of God and co-creators with God.
Open to Receive True Blessings
Once we acknowledge and take ownership of that awareness and our true identity in the Divine, we must ensure that we are open to receive the blessings that await us. It is important that we truly know and believe that we are deserving of receiving them.
Expressing Gratitude
One of the ways we can open ourselves to receive blessings is to recognize and have gratitude for the blessings we have already received and those that continue to flow into our life.
As mentioned previously, it is important that we are equally grateful for what has happened as well as what has not. This can be challenging when we are often unaware of why a particular wish, goal, or desire was not fulfilled.
Ultimately, this path serves our highest and greatest good, even if we are unaware of those blessings in the immediate moment!