Clearing Family Ancestral Energies

“We selected parents with a family heredity that contained the energies that resonated with our strengths and virtues, as well as the energies that would help us..."
Watercolor Tree of Life of Family Ancestral Energies
Ancestral Energies Family Tree of Life

(Introduction Portion of Meditation)


As we move forward on our spiritual path, we naturally clear and release past life baggage, some of which is connected to our family ancestral energies.  We grow spiritually as we make new connections and release old energies that no longer serve us.

For many people, this releasing/clearing process lags behind their actual level of spiritual growth at any point in time.

Just think of how nice it would be if we could accelerate this process?

Well, there is a place in the etheric realm where that can happen for us, which is the focus of our meditation.

There is a beautiful and radiant structure in the spiritual realm called the Temple of Wisdom.  Within this enormous complex is the Temple of Healing, the Tapestry Room and the Library.  They are discussed in Dolores Cannon’s book, Conversations with a Spirit:  Between Death and Life.

Today, we will visit both the Tapestry Room as well as the Temple of Healing.

The Temple of Healing

The Temple of Healing is normally used by those who died from long-term illnesses and those who suffered greatly before crossing over.  Their beings require clearing and healing before they can move on with their training period that happens in between lives.

The Temple of Healing is one of the first places they visit after transitioning.

It is also available to us!

The Tapestry Room

The Tapestry Room is a place within the Temple of Wisdom complex where an eternal tapestry of all the lives of humankind is on display.  It is hung on the walls as one contiguous fabric that goes on and on.  We will call it the Tapestry of Life.

It is a living fabric tapestry of all of the lives of humankind, past, present and future, intertwined together.  The tapestry is living, breathing and glowing vibrantly with all the energies of every life contained within it.

Each thread of the tapestry represents a person’s lifetime and contains every detail of that life:  The life plan, all the energies, thoughts, feelings and every possible happening.

Chakras, Energetic Bodies and Past Life Baggage

The life energies represented by the threads of the tapestry are those of our own being, and also tie to our chakra system and energetic bodies.

And since our energetic bodies will be part of the healing focus during this meditation, we’ll talk about them briefly.

Our chakra system connects our physical body to our energetic bodies, including the Etheric, Emotional, Mental and Astral bodies, to name a few.

We carry this past baggage and discordant energies in our being’s complex energy system.

This past life baggage can negatively affect the energies of our chakra system and our energetic bodies.

Our past life baggage and these discordant energies are directly related to the lessons we came to learn in this life.

Heredity and Ancestral Energies

With that in mind, before we came to earth, we, along with our guides, planned every detail of this incarnation.  Of those many details, one of our choices was to pick out our parents and a family whose energies best matched our own.

We selected parents with a family heredity that contained the energies that resonated with our strengths and virtues, as well as the energies that would help us work on the challenges we chose to face.

One of the benefits of having a family and family members who share our strengths and life challenges is that it helps us remain focused upon what we came to do, and not somehow avoid or sidestep our key lessons.

For many of us, these personal energies we brought into this life as baggage have become unduly entangled with the corresponding energy lines of our family heredity, or ancestral energies.

A Gift To Our Self and Others!

As we learn each particular lesson, part of that growth deals with not only releasing the energies of our own personal baggage, but also releasing and disassociating with the entanglements of our family’s ancestral energies.

In doing so, we can also help foster releasing the ancestral energies that are no longer active in our family’s collective or group energetic heritage.

Quite Beautifully, our extended earthly family benefits from this work even as they may be completely unaware that anything happened.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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