The Angelic Realm
“Each type of angel and their purpose is also varied, as there are messenger angels, guardian angels, angels for healing, wisdom, guidance, peace…”
“Each type of angel and their purpose is also varied, as there are messenger angels, guardian angels, angels for healing, wisdom, guidance, peace…”
“When peace fills our being, the answers that we are seeking in our life will be revealed; healing is inevitable, oftentimes instantaneous.”
“We are worthy of blessings by the mere fact that we are both creations of God and co-creators with God.”
“As we live our life from a place of Divine Beingness we are allowing our lives to unfold for our highest good which in turn allows us to be who we truly are…”
“…even those who profess to have the same spiritual belief system and the same God, each have a slightly different relationship to that God…”
Following Your Spiritual Path — Trusting in the Divine Read More »
“The Divine (a reference to any aspect of what we call God) guided us to be together so we could support one another in our spiritual growth and universal learning…”
Soul Groups and Incoming Energies Read More »