(Excerpt taken from the Introduction portion of the Meditation)
Energetic Awareness & Spiritual Awareness
Energetic and spiritual awareness are powerful indicators of our level of spiritual development.
Energetic Discernment
For our purposes, energetic awareness, or discernment, includes one’s ability to sense an energy’s presence, as well as its flow or movement, from an almost imperceptible trickle to a torrent.
It also includes the ability to sense energies from the lower frequencies to the highest feathery vibrations of the upper etheric realm. Some think of this as our level of sensitivity, which is a form of awareness.
Sensing “Other” Energies
Most energies we sense are related with our energetic bodies and being. However, there are people who can sense magnetic fields, radio frequencies, and so forth, that are not considered to be spiritual.
Spiritual Level of Awareness
Then there is our level of spiritual awareness, or discernment. This has to do with our intuitive perceptions of the nature of the energy itself or what we may think of as its spiritual attributes. Love, envy, joy are a few examples of this.
Beliefs and Belief Systems
Together, our levels of energetic awareness and spiritual discernment influence the creation of our beliefs and belief system.
Beliefs essentially reflect how we see things, what is true for us.
Beliefs are Filters
They are also filters. Beliefs allow us to clearly see what agrees with them and ignore, reject, or be blind to things that do not.
Our levels of energetic and spiritual awareness, along with our beliefs, act as filters in our perceptions. They can cause us to draw conclusions in life about things from a limited perspective.
For example, as a little child, we may have concluded that stoves are bad because we were once burned by a glowing element. As we matured and learned more about stoves, that belief changed. We no longer see stoves as bad, only that we need to be careful when using them.
However, some beliefs have the power to so deeply affect us experientially and emotionally, that we completely avoid learning more in that area. The belief becomes frozen in time, which can span lifetimes.
In The Short-Term
In the short term, beliefs can keep us from harm, like the stove. Collectively within a society, commonly shared beliefs keep it vibrant and healthy, like everyone stopping at red lights when driving.
Eventually We Become Inhibited
However, at some point throughout our life or lifetimes, those beliefs that served us so well in the past become the very stumbling blocks to our necessary spiritual growth. Our beliefs make us hesitate to venture beyond the bounds of our current belief system.
Additionally, because beliefs act as filters to our perceptions, they create perceptual blind spots that can cause us to create emotional baggage, as we have written about in the past.
Together, beliefs and emotional baggage can cause us to be hesitant in our desire to grow in our levels of energetic and spiritual awareness.
Beyond Belief Systems
This belief system and emotional baggage creation process continues until our levels of energetic awareness and spiritual discernment (awareness) become refined to where we no longer filter our perceptions through them.
We are then guided in the moment by our High Self and the Divine.
We no longer need to use our beliefs to direct us. Our Beliefs begin to dissolve, as our emotional baggage starts to fall away. We become forever free of beliefs and belief systems.
Awareness Evolution
Now, as the energies of the New Age, New Earth, 4D/5D Dimension arrive, the frequency of our being rises as well, which has been occurring for some time.
As our being’s frequency rises, so does our levels of energetic awareness and spiritual discernment (awareness).
Awareness, itself, is a capability that is embedded in our being.
Because of that, whenever we are guided to focus and become aware of our own inner characteristics, like our embedded beliefs, our awareness automatically creates the opening within our consciousness to evolve itself to the next natural level of growth.
In short, by focusing our Awareness upon something, we become more aware.
That is what we will be doing in this meditation.