Windows of Self

"At spiritual events, people often ask me what their guides have to say.  Providing the spiritual information through the lens of Johari’s Windows can make those answers clearer."
Faces We Show, Hide and Cannot See - Windows of Self
Faces we show, hide and cannot see

David Scheschy - Shays' Insights

Windows of Self Follow-on Video

This is a short follow-on video from an earlier article titled, Windows of Self: Faces We Show, Hide and Cannot See, from September of 2020.

I have kept some of the original text to accompany the video.

Making Informed Choices

Our ability to make productive use of information and feedback from others and our Higher Guidance is important for those on the spiritual path. 

However, we also need a way to interpret the incoming information so it will make sense to us.

Johari’s Windows

One way to see ourselves more clearly is by using a communications theory model called Johari Window, also known as Johari’s Windows, developed in 1955 at the University of California.

What Do My Guides Have to Say?

At spiritual events, people often ask me what their guides have to say. Providing the spiritual information through the lens of Johari’s Windows can make those answers clearer.

Johari Window with Numbered Panes
Source: || Author: Simon Shek (Commons) || Image modified by David Scheschy

The Four Windows

As shown in the image above, there are four panes (windows).  In the interest of clarity, I have taken some liberties in labeling each numbered window.

(1) Things we know about our self that others also know.

(2) Things others know about us that we are not aware of.

(3) Things we know about our self that others are not aware of.

(4) Things that neither we nor others know about our self.

Let’s explore each of these windows through the perspective of our spiritual life and growth.

Enjoy the video…

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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