Spiritual Thoughts of the Day for February 1st 2022

“In the end, whether a current challenge is from a past life or this life, it is almost an irrelevant point.”
David 'Jeff' Scheschy of Shays Holistics 02.01.2022
David “Jeff” Scheschy

What is the Topic, Again?

When I meditated this morning, it wasn’t clear what the topic was going to be for the video.  Normally, my Higher Guidance tells me well ahead of time.

During the meditation, my guides told me to talk about whatever topics came through to share.

Here they are…

Incoming Energies Update – How do you feel?

As we have been discussing for quite some time, the incoming energies are of a very high frequency and “feathery” in their essence.

They are silently powerful like the energies of a microwave that do not feel like the energy of heat, but can certainly raise the temperature of our food.  Again, these incoming energies can be quiescently invisible to our senses, yet powerfully transformative without our knowing that they are even present.

At the same time, we are sensitive to the energies being emanated by some of those in our Soul Group, a portion of whom are caught up in fear, tension and doubt.  At times, we can feel the energies of those lower emotions.  They may act/feel like a resistor, resistance, or block.

Because our chakras also act as energetic and emotional sensors, we can sense tension, doubt and fearful energies being emanated from some of those in our Soul Group through our first three chakras.

It is then that we may think that what we are feeling has something to do with us; however, it very well may not.

The combination of the incoming energies and these lesser energies being emanated by a portion of our Soul Group, can cause us physical pain, such as headaches, and more.

We talk about this and what to do about it.

Wheel of Fortune

We have all seen pictures of the Wheel of Fortune – not to be confused with the game show.

It is also called the Wheel of Life.  Ideally, we are to live from its center, like spiritual masters do.

On those occasions when we get caught up in some old habit or emotional baggage, we can find ourselves out on the rim of the wheel, where half the time it’s going up and the other half it’s going down.  Once we know this, there is no reason that we have to remain there.

After we become aware that we have slipped from our center to the outer rim, we can choose to move ourself back to the center in the next moment.

Power of Intention

We also talk about the power of Intention in our spiritual lives. 

As mentioned in previous posts and videos, I (David) am colorblind.  My eyes perceive color, but differently than everyone else.

At the end of a guided spiritual event many years ago, we were all told to put a thin layer of indigo blue on the outside of our auric field.  It acts as an additional layer of energetic protection.

Well, being colorblind made that a real challenge, but one that was overcome by the power of Intention.

Not only did power of Intention work, it helped transform my approach to spiritual life.

Past Lives – Yes, No, Real, Unreal?

The question of whether past lives are real or not can be a point of interest.  It is sometimes debated even in non-traditional spiritual circles.

In the video we ask, “Does it even matter?”  We talk about two scenarios, one where past lives exist and the other where this is the first and only life.

In the end, whether a current challenge is from a past life or this life, it is almost an irrelevant point.  The emotional, spiritual, psychological and cognitive elements surrounding that spiritual life challenge is with us in the NOW, therefore we must resolve it in the now.

We can use our energetic and spiritual techniques right now to do just that…

Our Thoughts or Their Thoughts?

Have you ever had an idea or thought and reveled in your ingenuity and brilliance for having thought it?

Then, later realized that the enlightenment we thought was ours really came from the angels, our Higher Guidance, or directly from the Divine?

We talk about this and how it is truly a blessing!

Shiny Objects & Spirituality

Shiny objects are just as prevalent in the spiritual arena as they are in the traditional world.

We talk about how to use our discernment to find out what is right for us, individually.

Watch and Enjoy

Enjoy the video…

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

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