Spiritual Quickening Sessions
A Spiritual Quickening Session (2+ hours in length) combines Energetic and Sound Healing Sessions together.
The Universe, Divine and the person’s Higher Guidance interweave our two modalities for incredibly powerful results. It’s like having 3 to 4 sessions instead of just 2.
The Spiritual Quickening Session will take you from where you are to where you are ready to be energetically and spiritually.
The session is conducted by the person’s High Self, Guides, angels, etc., as well as the Divine. We are the instruments and channels of the energies / sound for your session.
The Spiritual Quickening Session includes all of the things that are done during a Traditional, Extended, and Sound Healing Sessions, and so much more!
We work with Your High Self, Guides (angels) and other Light Beings of your higher guidance to assist and facilitate the energies. We actively work with the Low, Middle and High Self to release spiritual “baggage”. A special focus is often made in working with the Low Self (and Child Self) to release old patterns and reprogram subconscious beliefs to reflect your true nature.
The Spiritual Quickening Session can significantly improve your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and well-being through extensive and comprehensive energetic work.
Spiritual energy and Sound frequencies are used to clear blocks and attachments, set, align, integrate and activate your many energetic systems (chakras, meridians and more) contained in your physical as well as your etheric, emotional, mental, and other energetic bodies. Everything is aligned to your High Self body’s template, which contains the ideal settings for all systems in each energetic body, including the physical body.
The session also shifts you to the life-path level that reflects where you actually are in your spiritual development – the Soul’s High Path. This is the “Spiritual Quickening” effect that happens once your High Self, Divine and guides have finished all that you are ready to receive!
And so much more happens during the session that becomes increasingly apparent as your life unfolds.
For those who are ready, the Spiritual Quickening Session facilitates them being able to experience a quantum leap and acceleration in their spiritual connections and growth.
Since we were guided to offer these sessions, each person who has had one has been in awe of all that happened! This is especially true of those who previously have had our individual Energetic or Sound Healing sessions, each of which are life-transforming all by themselves.
Click HERE to schedule a Spiritual Quickening Session in person or remotely via Zoom.
Session $150.

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