Shays’ Spiritual Insights — June 6, 2024

“You should seek spiritual enlightenment like a man whose hair is on fire seeks a lake.”
David Scheschy - Shays Spiritual Insights -- 06.03.2022

June Shays’ Insights

June Shays’ Insights Zoom gathering was attended by Franny, Paula, Eryn, Lisa, Tonya, Pat and Marci.

We talked about so many things that are happening in each of our lives.  Let’s delve a little into one of them here.

Lisa mentioned about her becoming aware of some of the alternate life-paths in her Life Plan.  That is, they are alternate paths that exist in her Life Plan that she didn’t pursue.  They are not part of her present life history, but they exist as surely and concretely as the one she is presently on.  And, they are extremely important when it comes to our spiritual growth.

When we become aware of alternate life paths, it is an indicator that we have grown sufficiently in our spiritual journey that we are ready to start integrating those alternate life-path experiences, energies and lessons into our self-knowledge, our being’s awareness and our spiritual growth.

Sometimes we become so aware of these alternate paths that we don’t know if they are part of our imagination or if they really happened.  

Again, and very importantly, becoming aware of these alternate pathways of our life dramatically accelerates our spiritual growth by integrating the energies, lessons and experiences of these other life paths into our greater being thus propelling much faster on our spiritual journey.

A few of those present asked if they are following their spiritual path.  Without exception, each of them was following the path they were to be on; they are on track!

That is because everyone in our small spiritual group is seeking and following their committed spiritual path, which reminded me of a well-known Buddhist saying, which is paraphrased below.

“You should seek spiritual to enlightenment like a man whose hair is on fire seeks a lake.”

As always, there was so much more discussed, but you’ll have to watch the video to see and hear it!

So, let’s close for now.

Enjoy the Video

Have a joyful Insights viewing…

Blessings and Light!

Blessings, Light and Love to Everyone!

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

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David Scheschy - Shays Spiritual Insights -- 06.03.2022

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