This chant is named after the Goddess Lakshmi who is traditionally identified in Hindu mythology as the Goddess of wealth, prosperity and abundance.
The syllable “OM” is commonly voiced as a prefix to chants of all kinds because it is the seed sound for the sixth chakra, where masculine and feminine energies meet at the center of the brow.
SHRIM is the seed sound for the principle of abundance. Repetition of the SHRIM mantra gives one the ability to attract and maintain abundance.
MAHA means “great,” denoting both quantity and quality. When we speak of quality of abundance, we are referring to its harmony with divine law.
LAKSHMI in Sanskrit means the energy of abundance. Abundance is usually thought of as simple prosperity.
NAMAHA is an expression of humility and a means of submitting to a higher power, reflecting the notion that one’s life is in the hands of the universe.
4 thoughts on “OM Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha Chant”
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