
Sign Filled with Intuitive Choice Directions

Sometimes We Must Choose

“The more we exercise our Divinely guided Intuition, the greater each next-step of our life’s unfoldment will be.”

Light House Shining Divine Guidance in the Night

Divine Guidance

“Interestingly, it is in these times that God is most present and simultaneously the most invisible.”

The All-Seeing Eye

The All-Seeing Eye

“There is nothing in Creation that is unperceived to the All-Seeing Eye.”

The Fine Golden Energies Nebula

The Incoming Fine Golden Energies

“These Fine Golden energies are raising our frequency as well as the frequency of Mother Earth, our Soul Group and society.”

Awareness Eyes Over Ocean of Awareness

Awareness and Beliefs

“This belief system and emotional baggage creation process continues until our levels of energetic awareness and spiritual discernment become refined to where we no longer filter our perceptions through them.”

Expanding the Awareness of Our Being

Expanding Our Awareness

“As our awareness expands, these dormant abilities are just waiting for us to discover them.”

Lakshmi - The Goddess of Abundance

Manifesting Abundance

“According to the Law of Attraction, what we believe and feel about money, or anything else, either magnetizes it to us or repels it away from us.”

Watercolor Tree of Life of Family Ancestral Energies

Clearing Family Ancestral Energies

“We selected parents with a family heredity that contained the energies that resonated with our strengths and virtues, as well as the energies that would help us…”

Image of Two Hands Hold various plants of manifestation -- Divine Sovereign Creator Beings

Divine Sovereign Creator Beings

“With the creative power of our thoughts, we mold the essence of the Universe, transforming it into the slower vibrations of matter.”

Mandala of Source - Connecting with Source

Connecting with Source

“Connecting with Source is an outwardly simple meditation that nourishes the inner essence of our being and soul, and is powerfully renewing and transforming.”

'Dreams' sign in golden sky with clouds

Living Our Dreams

“Some of us are asking, “What is next in my life?”, “Why have my dreams not manifested?” or “Why do I feel stuck?”

Transcendent Light Shining in the Sky

Transcendent Light

“As we connect with Transcendent Light and essence of the Divine in this way, our life naturally unfolds onto the higher pathways of our Life Plan.”

Sun shining through glass ball & city background Shifting Our Perspective

Shifting Our Perspective

“From the World’s perspective it looks like everything is bleak, but from the High Self and the Divine’s perspective, All is Well, and perfect in the world.”

Milky Way of the Divine Feminine Universe

Divine Feminine Energy Meditation

“We are beginning to awaken, our bodies are being upgraded, our DNA is changing, our Chrystalline Christ Bodies are being activated, emotional baggage is…”

Water Lilies Community

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