Energetic Future Scholarship

“No sooner do we start doing the next segment of our life learning and events, than our guides are silently signing us up for the following two or three semesters in life.”
Learning Spelled out with letters and artistic arrows

Spirit Attributes

In this video, we first talk about the energy threads of our being, where each thread is a different type of energy that makes us who we are as a spiritual creature.  Each of us has millions, if not billions of these energetic threads, probably even more because they are always evolving and changing.

We call these energy threads Spirit Attributes because they create the attributes of our being – who we are as a unique entity in Creation.

There is a three-part written series about Spirit Attributes that can be found at ShaysHolistics.com.  Detailed information about Spirit Attributes can also be found in David’s book Life Training and Communications of The Father.

Energetic Connections

We mention Spirit Attributes because they are also responsible for spawning the learning and unfoldment of the events of our life.

In other words, who we are (our Spirit Attributes) creates what we learn and do in life (Spiritual Connections).

Incoming Energies

As we discuss in the video, because of the inpouring high frequency energies upon the earth, all of us are experiencing an accelerated rate of new energetic connections and grounding points that are being established while obsolete ones are being released.  This process also speeds up the rate of learning and unfoldment in our life.

Preparatory Energetic Connections

What we haven’t talked about before are the tacit energetic connections that always exist within our being.

Bow Wave

As a person’s guides are making new, higher energetic active connections within their energetic bodies, there is always a bow wave of preparatory energetic connections being established (spawned) at the same time.

It’s similar to the wave in front of the bow of a ship, except these are loose, energetic connections that are being queued up for upcoming learning events that follows what we are doing right now.

Energetic Future Scholarship

That is where the title Energetic Future Scholarship came from.  No sooner do we start doing the next segment of our life learning and events, than our guides are silently signing us up for the following two or three semesters in life.

It is Common

We see this a lot during Energetic Sessions and Sound Showers, as well as our combined Spiritual Quickening Sessions.  Future learning is always being queued up during any one of these sessions.

Knowledge is Key

Knowing that these future energetic connections exist can help us better connect with those upcoming “learning event” energies.  It can make our life’s unfoldment smoother and accelerated because we know they are coming.  Therefore, we will be open to them when they arrive.  This is another example of Spiritual Quickening.


As always, we kept the written portion short.

Enjoy the video…

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

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