Quantum Spiritual Changes — Follow-on Video

“We are in a period of an energetic renaissance that vastly accelerates everyone’s spiritual growth!”
Fractal golden image of Quantum Spiritual Changes

From the Article

As with previous posts, this video is a follow-on presentation of our earlier written article on Quantum Spiritual Changes.

We have found that some people get more from reading while others prefer to watch a video.

Topic Outline

The topics in this video closely follow those of the Quantum Spiritual Changes article.

  • Quantum Changes – This video is based upon the Quantum Changes chapter of David’s book Life Training and Communications of the Father.
  • What is Happening to Me? – These quantum changes are especially noticeable to those on the committed spiritual path.  For many, they may feel like these growth-changes are being thrust up them.
  • We Have Changed – It may seem like some of the utensils from our life’s toolbox are now missing.
  • Evolutionary Effects of Higher Energies – Not only anchor us higher into the etheric octaves (levels) it also expands our connections into the many aspects of our being that extends beyond our knowing.
  • Just Like School & Spiritual Graduations – Energetically, it’s like being back in school.  In school we progressed from one grade to another, from math to calculus and beyond.  That’s what the incoming energies do to our being.
  • Energetically Anchor to Higher Learning – As the threads of our being are anchored higher, we connect to knowledge, skills and abilities associated with these spiritual domains.
  • Higher Education – These connections automatically shift us to new life experiences that align with our higher-education energies.
  • Quantum Shift – Now! – When we are ready, our being and brain can evolve into a whole new level of programming in an instant.  Our Higher Guidance will help us adjust as this happens.
  • Transform(ing) Energies – These energies can cause our brains to “rewire” to make use of the incoming higher energies and information.  They will help us translate it info into usable concepts that we can talk about.
  • Quantum Changes Excerpt – David talks about his experiences listed in this chapter of his book.
  • Long-Term Benefit – The quantum growth and shift in our bodies often become the gateway to dramatic levels of spiritual development that would normally have taken a lifetime to achieve.
  • Brain’s Encoding Limitations – Our brain has biochemical limitations that do not allow it to fully encode (analog) references to those (higher) spiritual experiences.
  • Energetic Renaissance – We are in a period of an energetic renaissance that vastly accelerates everyone’s spiritual growth!
  • Spiritual Fast Track of the Initiate – Our Higher Guidance can quickly evolve and grow us spiritually and physically, e.g., rewiring the brain.  It is part of the path of the Initiate.

Enjoy the Video

We hope you enjoy the video edition of our earlier article, Quantum Spiritual Changes.

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Blessings, Light and Love,

David “Jeff” and Debra Scheschy

Awakening Divine Connections …

Copyright © 2016-2024 Shays Holistics

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